Public Lab Research note

Public Lab talk at LibrePlanet 2015: Two Public Labs, and a call for developers

by warren | March 23, 2015 14:31 23 Mar 14:31 | #11715 | #11715

I gave a 10 minute lightning talk at LibrePlanet 2015 this past Saturday, where I discussed the idea that there are "two Public Labs" -- an idea explored in this piece I co-wrote with Liz Barry (@liz), and also made an explicit call for new software contributors for our major web platforms. It was a great event -- so great to see out of town friends! -- and of course thanks to Molly DeBlanc (who happens to be a Public Lab Supporting Member!) for organizing the talks.



this is a great presentation! we can use it for developer outreach at Open Source Bridge in Portland this summer! @mathew @natalie @becki

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Nice talk.

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