Outreachy and GSoC
We're part of two different summer fellowship programs this year, Outreachy and Google Summer of Code (#GSoC) -- both recruit software contributors to work on open source projects. We may also join Rails Girls Summer of Code (#RGSoC) once it opens, but would need to be accepted first.
We've done GSoC for a few years now, and are really excited to be part of RGSoC for a third year and Outreachy for a second season. Outreachy writes:
We expressly invite women (both cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people to apply. We also expressly invite applications from residents and nationals of the United States of any gender who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin@, Native American/American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. Anyone who faces under-representation, systemic bias, or discrimination in the technology industry of their country is invited to apply.
So, we're asking students from both programs to start posting their proposals for comment, here. Read on!
Outreachy's application deadline is the March 26, 2019 at 4pm UTC. GSoC applications will be open between March 25, 2019 - April 9, 2019.
Read proposal ideas
Once you've gotten a bit familiar with our project (see our welcome page here), the first step is to look over our ideas page, which you can find here. These were collected from the brainstorm we did earlier in the year.
For Outreachy, we will be posting a project idea soon on the Outreachy website.
Please feel free to ask questions in the comments below, or to join our chat channel at https://publiclab/chat
Our welcoming page will help you understand how we collaborate, and we'll be there to help you take your first step. And try tackling a first-timers-only issue, to get an idea of how to become a contributor!
Also, read this page carefully to understand our workflow and how we structure summer of code projects: https://publiclab.org/wiki/gsoc#How+we+work
Please ask questions! We're very friendly and we love welcoming new people into our community.
New this year
Once the term starts, we'll be asking all participants to review another person's work at least once time per week, and to either post a first-timers-only issue or help someone who's working on one once weekly. This will help us continue to support our growing community!
Post a proposal for comment
Once you've read through some of these ideas and become a bit more familiar with our projects, it's time to post a proposal of your own.
You don't need to have a complete or even concrete idea -- share your thoughts early and we'll help you refine your proposal, and help you choose something that's the right difficulty level as well as being something our project really needs.
We've created a template for you to post a proposal here. Click this button to begin:
Read other proposals
Before or after you post your own draft, read through others' listed below. Your best comments and input may come from other applicants!
Also see 2018's proposals here
Hi, all - just posting an update here; we've posted the Outreachy project for this summer here: https://www.outreachy.org/may-2019-august-2019-outreachy-internships/communities/public-lab/#publiclaborg-ui-improvements
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😃 @namangupta i just replied to this tweet - will it work? https://twitter.com/PublicLab/status/1103311816548065280
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Added a new section with input from @bansal_sidharth2996 --
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Yeah, we are looking forwards for supportive folks. Make sure to do 1. at least one PR review each week and
make some FTO issues in each week to involve new contributors inside your projects. People will love to be part of big projects. It is a great feeling to help others.
Please take out a day from timeline from each month at end of each phase of SoC fellowship to write about what you learnt and did in the period. Earlier it was not compulsory. But let's make it compulsory. By this mentors will be able to access your progress. Don't forget to mention the ftos which you created during this period. Also mention the PR reviews which you did.
We are planning for video calls I'm each month during SoC program. So, it will be great to see you all.
These are small activities which can lead to better and supportive community at PL. All participants all programs are encourage to write these in their proposals.
Thanks and best of luck.
On Mon, Mar 11, 2019, 7:50 PM \<notifications@publiclab.org> wrote:
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Three more optional suggestions: If you were a GCI mentor please mention it in your proposal. We will give extra credit to these long term collaborators. Second, it will be great to have a conference or seminar at your university about Public Lab and the programs which are held here. It is optional. No compulsion at all. Thirdly, help each other in writing their proposals by giving suggestions under the proposals
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Hello @jywarren and everyone, it has been really wonderful for me to be contributing to Public Lab and eventually to a better society and environment. The community is really very supportive and welcoming to new ideas and people.
Thus, to make a small contribution from my side,I would like to submit a proposal for the Spectral Workbench Capture idea and would like to work on this project this coming summer and maybe afterwards too.
Firstly, I will try to complete the integration of the library from the core project code of Spectral Workbench and then I would love to write the tests for it along with debugging any issues if found.
Having done these, I would focus on making it work properly in almost every browser. Also, will debug any issues found with the working of the library on the command line.
After this, as mentioned in the idea - will implement a React app around Basic UI modules. But, I have a doubt that whether the React app will be made just for showcasing the basic working of the library and to host its documentation i.e. as an example page or it is being made as a revamp of Spectral Workbench Webapp?
Please guide me as to how should I proceed? I have drafted the sample proposal and will be posting it for review on Monday i.e. April 1, 2019. I am very eager to work on this project. My one of the primary aims of working on this project will be to try to make it beginner-friendly since we see that this project has very less new-contributors and first-timers. Thus, I will try to make as many first-timer-issues as possible so that the community may easily start contributing on this very significant project too.
Thank you.
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Hi @sidntrivedi012! One of the reasons we began developing the self-contained version SWB Capture was to make it more modular, better maintained, cleaner code, and then to re-integrate this new version back into the "parent" Rails app. Kind of like how https://github.com/publiclab/spectral-workbench.js graphing features drive the core of https://github.com/publiclab/spectral-workbench ui -- actually it used to be run from within the Rails app, and we spun it out.
Also, similarly to how https://github.com/publiclab/PublicLab.Editor is a sub-component of https://github.com/publiclab/plots2 ! But it has its own test suite and is easier to work on in isolation.
And, by working in this way, we can make it easier to integrate the sub-project into other projects as well -- more re-usable!
So, we'd love to review your proposal. Thank you!
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Hey everyone, As discussed with @jywarren, we are going to participate in RGSoC this year. My suggestion is instead of registering as a single project. We can submit multiple projects, each related to a repository i.e. Plots2. Mapknitter, Image-sequencer etc. What are your thoughts?
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Hello everyone !
I along with my two friends conducted a meetup in our college yesterday regarding how to start with open source contributions and how Summer of Code and outreachy can be a great motivation.
I also discussed about our organisation Public Lab, what we do and how we have achieved such a great number of new comers in such a few days. I discussed various projects under our organisation and spread some words about my contributions so that they can also be a part of the project. Here is a link to some of the photos we clicked : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19kFaC33iGz91Qs0PD3F4cS8wmeK_htV7?usp=sharing
Also my github username is divy123. @jywarren, @tech4GT, @bansal_sidharth2996, @gauravano and all other mentors and contributors please do have a look.
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That's awesome @lit2017001!
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Thanks @gauravano ! This is Divy123 from image-sequencer. Can I change my username here? Also I have submitted my proposal but due to some reasons its not showing up there in list of proposals up there. Can you please help me with that?
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Sorry, but it's not possible to change username. Your proposal is visible in the above table now, it was missing the
tag, which I have just added.Thanks!
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Thanks @gauravano.
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This is so awesome!!!!
On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 3:54 PM \<notifications@publiclab.org> wrote:
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OK! I just finished leaving comments on Outreachy proposals and need to take a break as it's very late here! I'll circle back to these proposals in the morning -- thank you all for your patience!
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Thanks a lot @jywarren. Will complete my proposal today. Please review whenever free. 😃 🎉
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@jywarren, @tech4GT please review my proposal whenever you are free. Looking forward for your valuable suggestions.
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Hi, I just wrote a detailed issue on the colorimetric project, with the bugs we'd need to solve, and some other ideas: https://github.com/publiclab/image-sequencer/issues/979 I hope this helps!
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Hi, sorry for the interruption. Jeff's handle on PL is @warren(not @jywarren, @jywarren is on github). Just telling you all so that you can ping us correctly whenever you need any help. Thanks all.
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GSOC application submission deadline today. Please submit the proposals at the earliest. Thanks all for writing such great proposals. Best of luck all of you.
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