Public Lab Research note

GSoC 2018 Wrap-Up Post

by sagarpreet | August 08, 2018 14:39 08 Aug 14:39 | #16883 | #16883

Finally, the GSoC coding period is coming to an end as I finish up my project. In this post I aim to summarize all of the work I have done during the past months.

GSoC 2018 Work Product - Sagarpreet Chadha

Final deliverables :


This library is a made upon the very popular LeafletJS Library and using this we can choose combinations of layers to display on map . Each layers gives some environment - related information on map in form of small markers . Each marker on clicking shows pop-up with detailed information .

Integration of Leaflet-Environmental-Layers to mapknitter and plots2 projects

This library is integrated to the front-page of and to various places in . List of places where this library is used and corresponding github Pull Requests :

List of contributions

With over 86000 lines of code and 122 commits , and a lot of debugging over the past few months, I have gained a lot more knowledge about the codebase and internal workings of PublicLab . Here is a list of the different repositories with the commits I’ve made -

What’s left?

Although most of my work is complete and playable, there are still a few things pending :

  1. Ability to generate permalink with url hash of currently enabled layers , which is already in progress here .
  2. Caching of request response somewhere to reduce load on API's server , leaflet-environmental-layers/issues/44 .

My experience :

The community has been extremely helpful and the experience was more than I could have asked for .

The mentors are really supportive and helpful and are full of amazing ideas .

I would definitely love to keep up my involvement with PublicLab as a contributor and hopefully as a mentor as well, for the upcoming Google Code In .

About Project :

This project is created as a part of Google Summer of Code program by Sagarpreet Chadha .

Mentors for this project :

• Stevie Lewis

• jywarren

• Bronwen Densmore

Thank you !


So powerfull!! Thanks a lot!!!

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