Public Lab Research note


by mlamadrid , dorncox | December 09, 2015 17:01 09 Dec 17:01 | #12492 | #12492

Farm Hack is a worldwide community of farmers, designers, engineers that builds and modifies its own tools for resilient agriculture. Farm Hack facilitates sharing hacks online and at meet ups because we all become better farmers when we work together. In partnership with the Public Laboratory, the Farm hack community is fostering collaborations of open source tool chains for agricultural decision making and participatory action research networks that bridge citizen action with universities, nonprofits, trade associations, government agencies, and farmers. To realize the potential of an informed and engaged citizenry the tools must be open, accessible, and participatory.

Data generated on-farm can be pushed to a user-friendly platform such as farmOS, where it can be shared between users, analyzed quickly by environmental feedback models for decision support. This participatory action research network has the potential to improve farm performance, make every farm a research farm, and value public ecosystem services in agriculture.

As high-tech monitoring, analysis, and communication tools are increasingly available, creating open source alternatives can make it easy for farmers, researchers, and the public to share data, create a learning community, and foster resilient agroecosystems.


Sounds interesting. You guys have any website / forum or you use this platform to keep in contact?

What is that interesting hardware that guy is holding in his hand?

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The writer links to this site in his bio page:

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The gadget is designed to measure soil compaction as described in the research note from which the photo was borrowed.

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