Public Lab Research note

Bugs in IR

by mathew | May 28, 2013 16:27 28 May 16:27 | #7944 | #7944

What I want to do

I wanted to see what Infragram did for insect photography. My assumption, which proved true, was that by making plants appear white, insects would pop out and be easier to identify. The NearIR-G-B also worked great. These plants would otherwise be dark green and purple, and very low contrast. Here is the same bumblebee in NearIR-G-B Bees in NearIR-G-B

Who Knew? A wasp pollenating! Bees in NearIR-G-B


how do we make a camera that sees what the bee sees? that would be the bee's knees.

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we would need compound eyes! that would be cool:

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