Public Lab Research note

Should /tools be renamed to /methods, /techniques, or something else?

by liz | September 30, 2016 19:11 30 Sep 19:11 | #13513 | #13513

What's your preference, and why?


I like /techniques because it can be used for 'tools' and 'methods'.

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I like techniques, as vj said and - it sounds the same in many other languages: tegniek, טכניקה, تقنية , Technik, teknîk, técnica, техника, τεχνική (Afrikaans, Arabic, Hebrew, German, Kurdish, Spanish, Russian, Greek) It doesn't work in Swahili, "mbinu", or Filipino "pamamaraan", but you can't get it all :)

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techne does encompass tools and craft and art, and it's more what public lab does

i do like the simple english of 'tools' though

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Wow i really appreciate these insights. Most of what we're doing is re-formatting, and so we're going to make sure /techniques and /methods can both be used to find this information.

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There are steps to implement this in code in-progress here:

However, once it's in place, we can change which terms are the redirecting aliases and which are the resulting "final" URL and page title people see.


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