I just met Lisa Rico, a health educator at Natividad Medical Foundation who also works for the CHAMACOS study conducted through UC Berkley's School of Public Health. She introduced me to the many longterm research projects that the UCBerkeley's CERCH group (https://cerch.berkeley.edu/research-programs) is supporting on pesticide exposure. Here's the overall description of the group:
From Seveso, Italy, where a chemical plant exploded in the 1970's to the agricultural Salinas Valley, California, where more than 9 million pounds of pesticides were used in 2012, to Limpopo, South Africa, where strong insecticides are used to combat malaria-carrying mosquitoes, CERCH studies the potential impacts of environmental exposures on children's health. Such factors include pesticides, flame retardants, chemicals in plastics, cosmetics and other consumer products and many other exposures. We also examine how the larger environment, including adversity, poverty, and cultural resilience, interact with chemical exposures. CERCH prioritizes engaging communities to inform study design, implementation, and dissemination and helping to identify key solutions to pressing environmental issues.
CHAMACOS: the long term research project where UCB researchers follow youth from when their moms were pregnant to today as they turn 16 & 17: https://cerch.berkeley.edu/research-programs/chamacos-study
I think this group would be great to connect with for a future Barnraising on pesticides and community science.
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