Public Lab Research note

Join Public Lab Fellows on community calls about air, water, land, and organizing and advocacy

by laurel_mire , alejobonifacio , fongvania , julia_e_masters | August 17, 2021 22:33 17 Aug 22:33 | #27576 | #27576

Announcing community calls hosted by Public Lab Research Curation Fellows

Lead image: @mollydanielsson

If you're looking for a virtual space to gather and talk about environmental health topics, join us on an upcoming community call! ☎️

Public Lab's Research Curation Fellows are hosting community calls throughout the year on broad topics covering air, water, land, and organizing and advocacy. Calls are held on Zoom and are open to anyone interested in asking questions, sharing tips, and exchanging stories about local environmental health and community science.

Calls for each topic happen roughly every 3 months. To find out when the next call is, check out Events by Research Curation Fellows. You'll find a monthly calendar of expected calls for each topic, and a list of event posts with exact dates/times and call-in details.

You can also get an update about the next scheduled community call by following the tag `research-curation-fellows-event`.


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