Public Lab Research note

Homebrew Fellowship Application: DIY Oil Testing Narratives

by klie | September 14, 2015 16:41 14 Sep 16:41 | #12213 | #12213

Application due: September 25, 2015
Dates of Fellowship: mid-October 2015 to mid-January 2016
Location: Remote
Fellowship stipend: $3,000 USD

During a three month period, the fellow will work on creating ten case studies that demonstrate a breadth of instances where using the Public Lab Oil Testing Kit would be applicable. Examples of case studies could include developing narrative around oil train travel in the continental U.S. and the potential for train spills or providing evidence to companies that unidentified material is oil.

The development of these case studies will be used to provide context for community groups and individuals interested in oil identification. After the case studies are developed, the Fellow will work with the Data Ambassador to create a series of advocacy packets based on case specific needs.


Fellow should have experience interviewing, transcribing and analyzing qualitative data and would preferably have a background in the social sciences. By the end of the fellowship, materials produced should include: ten case studies and advocacy packets, and either research notes or a wiki documenting the work completed during the fellowship.

Output 1: Conduct interviews and draft ten case studies posted to the Public Lab website

Output 2: Resources and potential advocacy pathways for case study communities

Output 3: Comprehensive report on different scenarios (last stage of project write up)


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