Thermal Fishing Bob Development Workshop
Open to the Public!
I am working with Sara Wylie to further develop the thermal fishing bob. The thermal fishing bob is a tool of visualizing thermal pollution in real time. So, we are holding a workshop to brainstorm, test out, and develop new ideas. We want to come up with new ways to improve on the thermal fishing bob's design, make it more versatile, and more accessible to a wider range of people.
Goals for the Thermal Fishing Bob
- Devise and test out new ways to make a towable thermal fishing bob.
- Brainstorm and test new ideas for housing the thermal fishing bob to prevent water damage.
- Try to produce a thermal fishing bob that works sans Arduino, thus lowering the cost of building it and making the thermal fishing bob more accessible.
- Test out our ideas with our colleague Laura Perovich's novel rig designs.
- Brainstorm ideas to convert the thermal fishing bob into a conductivity fishing bob.
Intro 2:00-2:30pm
4 Lightning Talks (3 minutes each)
Sara Wylie: background information on the thermal fishing bob and Public Lab
Maryann Cairns: using tampons to test for grey water pollution
Catherine D'Ignazio: riffle and water quality
Laura Perovich: design ideas for next steps in thermal fishing bob development
Thermal Fishing Bob Design and Brainstorming 2:30-3:10pm
10 minute break; Everyone get into working groups
Tentative working groups 3:20-5:20pm
- Spectrometry workshop led by Maryann and Sara
- Design workshop
- design circuit board
- make multiple thermistor circuit board
- Inflatable thermal fishing bob led by Laura Information on inflatables
- How to make a thermal fishing bob led by Kaitlyn
- Arduino sketch
- Fishing bob how to: ThermalBobHowTo.pdf
- Fishing bob circuit diagram
- Testing thermistors
30 minute wrap-up
- each group report back what they have learned
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
540 Holmes Hall (marked with an X on the map)
Campus Map:
Thursday, June 11th starting at 2:00pm-6:00pm.
Why should you come?
To help develop the thermal fishing bob or even just to learn about them. Or just for the food. There will be food.
Please RSVP by June 8th
Continuing Work
- Towable Rig Field Test
- Multiple Thermistor Field Test
- 3D Thermal Plume Fishing Bob
- Waterproofed Thermistors
- Multiple Thermistors
- A faster thermistor
- Tampon Test for Wastewater
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