Public Lab Research note

CEDAPS realiza Oficina de Mapeamento em Eusébio, Ceará

by ives | April 10, 2013 21:50 10 Apr 21:50 | #6762 | #6762


Original Article: Aconteceu em Eusébio, Ceará, o treinamento de profissionais para o Mapeamento Digital de Riscos Socioambientais Guiado pela Adolescência e Juventude . Promovido pelo UNICEF e realizado pelo CEDAPS, o evento treinou 60 pessoas que têm como objetivo capacitar jovens para que eles possam identificar locais que tenham riscos em suas comunidades.

A metodologia de intervenção é toda elaborada pelos adolescentes, que constroem os roteiros e decidem quais riscos socioambientais serão mapeados na comunidade, de acordo com o que foi discutido anteriormente. Esse mapeamento é feito através do uso de duas técnicas: uma utiliza telefone celular equipado com GPS, e outra com uma pipa delta, que ‘abriga’ uma câmera fotográfica que faz o registro dessas áreas. Desta forma, eles podem observar como o lixo é dispensado no território, assim como o esgotamento sanitário, pontos de convivência, riscos de desabamento, focos de dengue etc.

Como resultados, são formados mapas de situação de cada localidade que servem de embasamento para a elaboração de Planos Locais de Ação. As técnicas foram desenvolvidas pelo Mobile Experience Lab do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts – MIT, e pelo Laboratório Público de Ciência e Tecnologia Aberta (Public Lab) que, juntamente com o UNICEF Nova Iorque, realizaram a capacitação da equipe do CEDAPS. Desde 2011, o CEDAPS já implementou o projeto em 10 comunidades: Andaraí, Borel, Batan, Cidade de Deus, Complexo do Alemão, Macacos, Prazeres, Rocinha, Salgueiro e Urubu.

Confira a galeria de fotos em:

English Version - Google translate (thanks dan.beavers!) with few editions:

It happened in Eusébio, Ceará, training of professionals for the Youth Led Digital Mapping. Promoted by UNICEF and conducted by CEDAPS, the event has trained 60 people who aim to empower young people so they can identify sites that have risks in their communities.

The intervention is designed by youth and teenagers, which build the scripts and decide which environmental risks are mapped in the community, according to what was discussed earlier. This mapping is done by using two techniques: one uses mobile phone equipped with GPS, and another with a delta kite, which 'houses' a camera photographing these areas. This way, they can observe how waste is discharged in the territory, as well as sewage, playgrounds, shared places, risk of collapse, outbreaks of dengue etc.

As a result, situational maps are create of each locality that serve as basis for the preparation of Local Plans of Action, using CEDAPS' methodology, "Shared Construction of Local Solutions". Techniques were developed by Mobile Experience Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT, and the The Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (Public Lab) which, together with UNICEF New York, conducted the training team CEDAPS. Since 2011, the CEDAPS already implemented the project in 10 communities: Andaraí, Borel, Batan, Cidade de Deus, Complexo do Alemão, Morro dos Macacos, Morro dos Prazeres, Rocinha, Salgueiro and Morro do Urubu.

see all the images on:


Google translate: It happened in Eusebius, Ceará, training of professionals for the Digital Mapping Social and Environmental Risk Guided by Youth and Adolescence. Promoted by UNICEF and conducted by CEDAPS, the event has trained 60 people who aim to empower young people so they can identify sites that have risks in their communities.

The intervention is designed for all teenagers, which build the scripts and decide which environmental risks are mapped in the community, according to what was discussed earlier. This mapping is done by using two techniques: one uses mobile phone equipped with GPS, and another with a delta kite, which 'houses' which is a camera recording these areas. This way, they can observe how waste is discharged in the territory, as well as sewage, coexistence points, risk of collapse, outbreaks of dengue etc.

As a result, maps are formed situation of each locality that serve as basis for the preparation of Local Plans of Action Techniques were developed by Mobile Experience Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT, and the Laboratory of Science and Technology Public Open (Public Lab) which, together with UNICEF New York, conducted the training team CEDAPS. Since 2011, the CEDAPS already implemented the project in 10 communities: Andaraí, Borel, Batan, City of God, Complexo do Alemao, Monkeys, Pleasures, Rocinha, Willow and Vulture.

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Tks, Dan! I've updated the text.

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Probando letras con tilde: Eus??bio, Cear??

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This is weird. I received the e-mail with all the accents and here it are again with "?"...

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Yes, the problem about the accents still persists, but we are trying to solve it ASAP.

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