Question: How to make a simple multispectral sensor with specific wavelengths (8-10 channels)?

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by elaineyuyu | January 26, 2018 23:18 | #15624

Hi everyone, I am totally new here and not having technical background - we are trying to make a prototype multispectral imaging system to detect food fraud, there are specific wavelengths that we identified are most effective (in the 400-1000nm range) and trying to build a simple device to test them out. Is there a way to do that using the desktop spectrometry kit and some other simple equipments? Any help pointing me to the right direction would be very much appreciated!!


Spectrometers based on consumer cameras, like the Public Lab spectrometers, can be built so they provide good information about which narrow wavelength bands are present in the source light. That is, they can have 2-3 nm resolution on the wavelength scale. However, these spectrometers are not very good at measuring the intensity of light at each wavelength band. The values for brightness of each band will be influenced by camera hardware and software design and will be unreliable except for the most general comparisons. If only general comparisons are required for your project (e.g., that blue band is a lot brighter than that green band), this type of spectrometer might be adequate.


Hi Chris, thank you so much for your answer! It seems we will have to purchase one of those expensive multispectral cameras, since we need to identify chemical compositions, microbial spoilage etc. in food and we do need reliable results. are you in the filed of spectroscopy/computer vision in any chance?

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