Public Lab Research note

Solar Balloon Heat Seaming Process

by elainechoi89 | August 03, 2012 20:32 03 Aug 20:32 | #3115 | #3115

Heat Seaming Process: Two layers of painters plastic on top of each other with about 1 inch seam. Create a thin line of heat by tilting the hot iron on an angle (on its side). A parchment paper is necessary, functions like a buffer so that the plastic does not get over heated and tear. Utilizing a ruler or a guide helps to create a straighter heat seam.


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did these hold pressure when inflated? I'm excited about the potential for heat-seaming mylar for 160cm M&M shaped balloons for helium. Like this kind of balloon:

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This link seems to talk about heat sealing mylar balloons. There is also a product out there called Hand Impulse Sealer, that might make it easier..

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I agree with elainechoi89, about using a sealer to create the seam. Since its hard to control the exact amount of heat in relationship to the type and thickness of the plastic an impulse sealer might work better. As you can see here in a PDF, impulse heat sealers have adjustable options based on the plastics specifications.

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