Public Lab Research note

Redesign of the Foldable Mini-Spectro to hold a cuvette

by dusjagr | April 29, 2013 13:06 29 Apr 13:06 | #7117 | #7117

What I want to do

laser-cutting the foldable Mini-Spectrometer...

i am bored of looking at the spectra of different light sources. let's put some samples in the optical path. best to use standardized cuvettes (or a box of TicTac :-)

My attempt and results



see more here on

tried some Absinthe Spectroscopy aka or is the Fee really green?


  • hmmm the cardboard isnt really waterproof, and i spilled too much absinthe....

Newest Design:

Questions and next steps

  • how to embed the iframe into this new wiki?
  • how to share a .svg file?
  • images are a bit too noise. maybe try wider slit...
  • testing it to detect Silver Nanoparticles


Amazing! Fantastic!

Good questions too -- iFrames are supposed to work, but I will do a bit of debugging and see what's broken.

.svg sharing... not sure. I think the uploader doesn't recognize them. Do most browsers render them same as .png or .jpg? I can just add .svg to the uploader formats list then.

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and the fonts for "les Fran??ais" dont really work.... V??ritable F??e Verte

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Und die Gr??ne Fee ist auch mir ??ber ohen Fragenzeichen

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Apologies for the character rendering; it's a known bug we're trying to resolve:

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I've been thinking a lot about this -- really want to design a version with an LED for a fixed, stable light source as well. I'd love to have a version that can stand up to regular use in a coffee shop or wine bar.

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Hey dusjagr - did you see these posts on a new design for a liquid spectrometer?

BTW, do you know Yashas Shetty? He's visited Cambridge before and I met his class which was involved in hackteria.

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