[Edit 11/8: an earlier title for this was "Your Own Data Repository on Cloud9" -- but I've since found out that Cloud9 is not set up to allow for persistent hosting. For that, one needs to host Phant using another approach, e.g. like digitalocean.com, or Amazon EC2 (or perhaps Heroku?). I'm exploring digitalocean.com -- will post about that soon.]
1. Sign up
Go to: https://c9.io/
(You can use a github login if you like)
2. Create a workspace
3. Name the workspace
(don't need a template)
4. Find the command line on the bottom of the page
5. Install phant
npm install -g phant
Update: just figured out that cloud 9 is intended for development-only -- the free service stops running after 2 days :)
I'm now experimenting with running a phant server via digitalocean.com ...
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