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Converting CSV files on Windows 7 on up with commas instead of decimals

by dhaffnersr | April 27, 2016 15:35 27 Apr 15:35 | #13037 | #13037

upon trying to use the new csv (beta) version here at Plab, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get my csv files to upload...well, it was because they were in decimal format!

I reported this anomaly to warren, (thinking I had just discovered some little annoying bug,) but alas, it was me! Jeff was of invaluble help on this matter, and instead of me trying to explain it to you, I will show you just how easy it is to rectify this little problem.

Now some of the features I have on windows 7 may appear a little different on your system but the concept is still very similar,




Thanks, Dave -- so you were able to upload, then? Can you link us to the data you uploaded so we can see? Thanks!

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hey Jeff, yeah I put them all in a set here they are:

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