Public Lab Research note

Oil & Gas Water Monitoring Research Area Review: Interview/Survey Questions

by charlotte_clarke | October 06, 2019 16:16 06 Oct 16:16 | #21096 | #21096

Context for this post.

This week, I'm excited to launch a survey and interview initiative for volunteers, academics, and professionals in oil & gas water monitoring. If you have any experience in oil & gas water monitoring, I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment responses to questions on this post. You can also email if you're willing to interview, or would like me to post on Public Lab on your behalf.

Please give a brief bio/introduction.
What was your first experience with water/environmental monitoring like?

Where do you currently conduct your water monitoring?
What is the main issue or question you are trying to solve by monitoring water?
Please describe your water quality monitoring procedures and/or study design.
- Who collects water samples? Who analyzes water samples and water quality data?
- What water quality metrics are measured and how? What tools/technology are used?
- How many samples are collected and how frequently?
- How can we relate water quality sensor measurements to oil/gas pollution?

Please describe your advocacy and communication tactics around data you collect.
Do you have any wisdom or stories to share?
What are the biggest challenges you face in oil & gas water monitoring?
What resources do you use to determine how to set up and/or improve your study?
What sources do you recommend to learn more?

In addition to responses to the above questions, I'm open to community feedback on the survey design itself. Are there any questions that should be added? Are there any questions that are worded in a confusing way? Are there reasonable categorical/quantitative questions to include? Do you know anyone I should contact for response?.


Is this a question? Click here to post it to the Questions page.

Thanks for the recommendation -- I'll get in touch!

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