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(This template is for students applying to summer code programs with Public Lab. Use this link to start writing a post:,soc-2019,soc-2019-proposals You can delete this line once you've started filling it out.)
About me
_Hello, My name is Biodoumoye C Meindinyo but everyone calls me Bio(Beeyo). _
_I'm currently focusing on front-end web development and UX design but I also look forward to getting my Masters in Data Science. I graduated with my BSc in Information Technology and Business Information Systems.
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Project description
This projects aims to improve the usability of It will also cover adding some features like pop up panels with Q&A tips, tutorials, dragging in a recorded video instead of a still image for conversion, multiple resolutions of video and more. The Infragram code also makes use of
Abstract/summary (<20 words):
Problem Solution![Screenshot_(562).png image description](/i/46496.png)
Adding a proper header to the website with a help menu that leads to the Q&A section at the top
A proper footer with boarders at the bottom of the page
Using bootstrap 4 instead of the previous version of 3 to solve the problem of compatibility with browsers
Adding a drag and drop feature
Adding a popup "Welcome" modal box which guides your first few steps
_Week 1__
Get familiar with my fellow interns and mentors****__
Discuss the Infragram code with mentors and fellow interns to understand anything I might be confused on better
Week 2
Discuss what final colors have been chosen for the UI with mentors
Implementing the new header for the site that will include home, About Us, Help and Login
Week 3
Start working on implementing the help button to include the Q&A section
Ensuring the UI is responsive for various screen types
Week 4
Implementing the welcome message on the home page
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Break your project up into small projects -- one per week!_
See this page for guidance on breaking your plan up into small, self-contained parts:
I will certainly need the help of google when I get stuck or don't understand something enough. I will also need the help of my mentors and colleagues. We're are a team!. What resources will you need: people, documentation, literature, sample data, hardware if applicable
First-time contribution
_Have you looked over our welcome page and are you familiar with how to make your first contribution? Have you already made it? We're eager to see that you've had a good experience making a small initial contribution to our site. Please check out our welcoming page: _
And paste in links to your initial contributions here so we can see!
You can use links like these to show recent activity:
- Comments, to show overall community involvement (like helping others):✓&q=commenter%3Ajywarren+org%3Apubliclab&type=Issues
- Open issues:
- Closed PRs:
_I have been learning to use Figma for UI design over the past few months. I also have learned HTML and CSS and I am able to use them to create webpages. I am still battling a bit with Javascript and React but I am getting a hang of it. _
I have always loved working in teams, right from high school, I always do my best to carry out the work assigned to me and help others in need. I have found out through working in teams that I love teaching others what I know and it also helps me remember things better. During my time at Middlesex University for my undergraduate studies, I often worked in teams and was good at organizing team meetings.I am also self-sufficient as I like having personal time to be with my thoughts and get creative. __
I love the fact that Public Lab helps people of underrepresented groups, or those that do not have enough financially, are able to have access to infrared cameras. What about our projects, and Public Lab, interests you? What are you passionate about? Open science, environmental justice?
_I would love to help people of all groups with the things I create or contribute to especially people who are underrepresented. So I will do well to make sure my designs are accessible to as many that need it as possible. _
_I completely understand that a lot of time has to be dedicated for this internship and I am willing and ready to do so. I have already dedicated time for it. The project also falls within a time period where I am free. __
Hello! I know there's a little time left but we'd love to see some ideas for the design - perhaps sketches or mockups or wireframes. Thank you!
Alright noted!
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