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Earth Journalism Network Kite Mapping Workshop

by willie | April 24, 2014 19:01 24 Apr 19:01 | #10358 | #10358

Event details

Just across the water from the richest country in California is Richmond, a hot spot of industrial pollution. We're using kites and cameras to build our own map of the day in order to illustrate particulate and noise sensor data we are also collecting. This will start at 4pm on Monday April 28th at Barbara and Jay Vincent Park in Richmond Harbor.


This workshop will be led by Stewart Long and is being organized for the Earth Journalism Network regional partners. We are doing this in order to demonstrate the practice for adoption in other countries.

MapKnitter Project

Group workshop map project link

Oblique aerial examples for discussion:


Any more information about this workshop available? I couldn't find anything on the ENJ website and Facebook page. Just show up? Register in advance?


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Hi Jim, Thanks for the interest and the emails. The event is free to show up to if you want to meet at the time and place. There isn't a registration page since this is mostly for the journalists that we are bringing into town. We will be headed in that direction from Marin so I hope that the timing sticks.If you want to send me your number in an email I can update you on the progress.

This also applies to anyone else who is local and interested in attending.

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Willie, sorry I didn't make it out Monday. Work kept me away. Hope your workshop went well!

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