Public Lab Research note

Introduction To Environmental Science

by TheChessGym | August 15, 2022 13:25 15 Aug 13:25 | #34877 | #34877

Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary study of sciences that affect our environment. It also includes the study of biotic and abiotic things contained in our world. We learned that population and its study is also a major field of study that is affected by our environment.


Environment is the abiotic and biotics things that surrounds us. Science is the study of life/ earth involving observations, investigations and discovery. Abiotic non-living organisms. Biotic is the living organisms. Population is how much people or animals living in an area or country. Population is a big concern when it comes down to environment because the higher the population the less the resources we have to provide.

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The difference between environment and population is that an environment is the area of people and animals, the population is the number of animals and people in that area. The environment has to provide the resources for the population which can become a problem when there aren’t enough for the population.

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Population is important to the environment because we affect the energy and resources for everyone. With the exploding population, people become worried about we may run out of resources that the environment offers us.

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The difference between environment and population is that the environment displays the area, climate, etc. Whilst the population displays how many people live in said environment.

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Population is a concern when it relates to environment because there is a limited number of resources to go around and too big a population can drain the resources too fast.

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Environment is the total sum and factors that contribute to your surroundings.

Science is the study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Abiotic are typically from the nonliving due to them not being derived from living organisms.

While on the other hand, Biotic relates or results in living things.

Population is a group of organisms of the same species populating a given area.

Chemistry is the study of matter.



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Environment: is a place where living things eater live or goes to stay

Science: the study of living and non-living things and finding out how things work

Abiotic: living

Biotic: not living

Environment and population: The things that Environment and population have in common is that if we do not have environment nor a clean one then the population

recorded 8.41 inches of rain, their most ever in a single day, shattering the old record by over 1.5 inches. Weather stations in New York City saw rain rates over 3 inches per hour. The extreme rainfall arrived with tornadoes in several states, including Maryland and New Jersey.

It was the same amount of water on either because of the water cycle

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Environmental science is comprised o other sciences that show the effect people have on the environment. A growth in population effects the environment by consuming its natural resources, these resources are becoming scarce. Humans won't be able to survive because these necessary resources aren't replenishable.

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Environment is the conditions we or others are surrounded by

Science is the understanding & methods used for our natural phenomenon

Abiotic is the nonliving

Biotic is the living

The relationship between our environment & our population is that both subjects depend on each other heavily. This is due to as much as our population grow, we depend on our environment, as in to keep our environment clean as possible

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Environment- the area where a person, plants, and animal lives.

Science- study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world.

Abiotic- non- living

Biotic- living

A population sometimes leads to environmental change. They are significant because it can cause a change to the world and other organisms there.

Lakes are fresh water. The system allows the inputs and outputs.

Ida produced 24 inches in some parts of southeast Louisiana.

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Environmental science is a disciplinary study. It includes multiple other sciences. Populations are required to form environments. As populations fluctuate, the environment changes.

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