Public Lab Community Newsletter July 18
We wrap up this week with a question about what other civic open hardware projects are out there, a great wrap up of last week’s Open water conductivity workshop, and an exciting announcement in partnership with EPA. Enjoy!
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Public Lab receives support from EPA to monitor wetland restoration projects in New Orleans.
Upcoming events
Monday, July 21, 8:00pm EST, OpenHour on Water Contaminants and Detection--Join us for this OpenHour discussing Water Contaminants and ways to detect them! In this OpenHour we will be hearing from guest speakers Catherine D'Ignazio and Don Blair on water contaminants and the development of the Riffle and Jack Summers on the development of the Potentiostat. Bring your research, your ideas, and your questions; and join us for OpenHour
New and ongoing projects
For a great update on the Open Water initiative, check out Don Blair’s wrap-up of last weekend’s conductivity meetup, sponsored by Rackspace!
Research Note highlights
Hot topics on the mailing lists
A conversation started in the mailing lists, with answers being organized via a research note, has bsugar wondering what other civic open hardware projects are out there besides Public Lab?
Public Lab in the media
A cool mention in The Guardian of the RIFFLE and LilyBui's talk on "Sensor Journalism, Uncensored" at MIT's Hacking Journalism conference. features an article on EPA Urban Waters grants in the Region 6 area, including Public Lab’s Wetland Restoration Monitoring project.
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