Public Lab Wiki documentation

Mailing lists

This is a revision from February 05, 2014 14:42. View all revisions
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This page is under development Feb 4-7, 2014

Many of our discussions happen on our mailing lists, which are organized by region and topic (see below). Join one today to get involved!


This is the center of all Public Lab discussions, including ideas & news in civic science; if in doubt, post here! (since 2011. Now with >1,800 members)


La lista de correo en castellano (since 2011. Now with ~50 members)
FYI, people registering on this website ( are auto-subscribed to the main publiclaboratory list. To manage your subscriptions, go to


Discussions on tools, hardware and software development, field methodologies, real world applications.

grassrootsmapping - the place to discuss everything about balloon & kite-mapping. (since 2010, now >900 members)
Your email:
plots-spectrometry - spectrometry and spectral analysis discussions. (since 2012, now >750 members)
Your email:
plots-infrared - near-infrared imaging and vegetation monitoring discussions. (since 2013, now >125 members)
Your email:
plots-waterquality - water quality discussions, including thermal plumes. (started ~Oct 13 2013)
Your email:
plots-airquality - discussion list for air quality related topics. Was started for a project with EPA and is now open to all. (started summer 2012, currently ~50 members)
Your email:
plotz-3d - Everything about 3D printers, especially the Rep 1s that were donated to Public Lab by MakerBot Industries.
Your email:


Where to connect with other Public Labbers in your area, announce/coordinate local events and meetups, and ask for local help.

plots-gulfcoast (41 members as of 2/21)
Your email:
Your email:
plots-baltimore-dc ~15 members
Your email:
plots-boston (~150 members)
Your email:
plots-butte - inactive?
Your email:
plots-norcal ~100 members
Your email:
publiclab-la Los Angeles, just formed in January 2014.
Your email:
plots-nyc ~175 members, the largest local list.
Your email:
plots-philadelphia (relatively new, ~15 members)
Your email:
Your email:
plots-skane (Sweden). inactive?
Your email:
Your email:

Topical Lists

plots-dev - discussion list for programmers and code-related topics. (Started late October 2013, 28 members)

Your email:

* plots-education

  • public-lab-writing-group

Working Groups (WGs) * plots-organizers - leadership group of people interested in organizing and coordinating the Public Lab community (by nomination) * - the media working group (by nomination) * - the retail working group (by nomination) * - the web working group (by nomination)

Nonprofit arm lists


We are recording the growth of these lists over time on this spreadsheet and graphing the results here to track community growth. (You can also see activity over time on the Google Groups about pages)


(Draft) Please treat our mailing lists as a place of respectful conversation. Our lists have moderators to ensure civility. Moderators review the posts of all new members before approving them to post automatically. Some existing members may be placed into moderation if their posting pattern changes such that it violates our list guidelines (see below):

When posting to Public Lab lists:

  1. Stay on topic
  2. stay on topic to make long threads easier to follow
  3. if you diverge from the main thread/topic/subject, consider breaking off into a new thread/topic/subject to help others follow along
  4. avoid sending one-line spurious responses that effectively "spam" hundreds of people and lowers the overall content quality of a conversation

  5. Mind your tone

  6. Since we are in a conversation in email form, maintaining a tone of respect is essential. Any of the following can result in a member having their posts moderated before going out to the whole list: aggressive tone, disrespectful tone, mocking tone, off-color tone
  7. a note on humor: expressing ourselves online in text is different from expressing ourselves in person by talking.

Before you are placed into moderation, you will be notified on the pertinent list.


List management

Some consistency in spam handling, joining policy, and naming will be very helpful as the # of local lists grows. Also we want to just be careful not to let research-related conversations fragment. Each list should have at least one moderator who's responsible for spam and/or willing to say "Wow! Please take this extremely interesting conversation to the main publiclaboratory list!"

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