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All events are open to the public.

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Upcoming events

Note: all times shown in Eastern Time Zone (GMT+5)

Event types

The Public Lab nonprofit supports five types of events:

Annual Barnraising Held in Louisiana during the Fall of each year This is the closest thing we have to a Public Lab conference -- but with an emphasis on "doing stuff together" rather than just presenting/talking. In the spirit of bringing a community together to collectively raise a structure such as a barn, Public Lab comes together to develop tools, toolkits, supporting materials such as guides and tutorials, test the tools and develop new research directions and projects. Participants represent a wide range of interests from technologists and designers to social scientists and community organizers.

Information on the next barnraising can be found here:

Regional Barnraising New in 2014, held in different locations during the Spring of each year The Spring barnraising focuses specifically on the development of techniques and methods around a tool or local research questions. The 2014 Spring barnraising will be held in Massachusetts, but we encourage people to reach out to us with ideas about future topics/locations for Spring barnraisings.

Workshops and Field Sessions, also known as "Toolshed Raisings" Workshops run the gamut of preparing for, conducting, and following up with the results of place-based research. Topics range from hardware development and use, software development and use, data use for advocacy and organizing, local needs assessments, and place-based monitoring efforts. These meet-ups are a venue for local partners to present progress updates on ongoing work, recruit new participants, and troubleshoot tech and data issues.

Open Hour Open Hours can be hosted by anyone about anything. The topics of open hour can vary from presentations on tools methods, discussions on environmental issues shared across regions, and approaches to data-based advocacy. There will be time for discussion and taking questions. Open Hours may be virtual or location based and are promoted broadly across the global Public Lab community.