_To edit your subscriptions, click on "Profile" in the left sidebar._ ###Main lists### People registering on PublicLaboratory.org are auto-subscribed to these lists (you can uncheck if you want). * **[publiclaboratory](https://groups.google.com/group/publiclaboratory)** - the main PLOTS list; if in doubt, post here! * **[grassrootsmapping](https://groups.google.com/group/grassrootsmapping)** - balloon and kite-mapping specific list. Lots of healthy overlap with **publiclaboratory** * **[laboratoriopublico](https://groups.google.com/group/laboratoriopublico)** - la lista de correo en castellano -- inactivo por ahora ###Local lists### Lists for announcing/coordinating local events and meetups, and asking for local help. These are shown as options upon registering at PublicLaboratory.org. Some consistency in spam handling, joining policy, and naming will be very helpful as the # of local lists grows. Also we want to just be careful not to let research-related conversations fragment. Each list should have at least one moderator who's [responsible for spam](/wiki/moderators) and/or willing to say "Wow! Please take this extremely interesting conversation to the main **publiclaboratory** list!" * **[plots-gulfcoast](https://groups.google.com/group/plots-gulfcoast)** * **[plots-boston](https://groups.google.com/group/plots-boston)** * **[plots-nyc](https://groups.google.com/group/plots-nyc)** * **[plots-providence](https://groups.google.com/group/plots-providence)** * **[plots-butte](https://groups.google.com/group/plots-butte)** - inactive? * ** [plots-amsterdam]{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/plots-amsterdam}** ###Organizing lists### * **[plots-organizers](/wiki/organizers)** - people interested in organizing and coordinating the Public Lab community (by nomination) * **[web@publiclaboratory.org](mailto:web@publiclaboratory.org)** - the web working group * **[retail@publiclaboratory.org](mailto:retail@publiclaboratory.org)** - the retail working group ###Nonprofit arm lists### * **[staff@publiclaboratory.org](mailto:staff@publiclaboratory.org)** - staff of the nonprofit arm * **[board@publiclaboratory.org](mailto:board@publiclaboratory.org)** - board of directors of the nonprofit