Old nominations for the [plots-organizers list](/wiki/organizers): ###May/June 2012### * Scott Eustis (nominated by Shannon, second: Jeff, third Liz) * Scott works for the Gulf Restoration Network as a Wetlands Specialist. He has been using the aerial mapping tools to lead mapping trips to areas such as Wetland Watchers Park and the Bohemia Spillway, to map areas where they have done wetland plantings and are watching the progression of project sites (such as filling a channel at Bohemia). Scott is an active listserve contributor and interested in IR, spectrometry, water and air quality as it relates to his work in the Gulf Coast. He is resourceful and a great community member-- a request to help find someone that could teach us to build nets and to find a darkroom in New Orleans were both met by him. He is really interested in coming up with creative DIY solutions with Public Lab tools- he showed up yesterday with mesh hampers and clothes bags to try out a housing design for the air column monitor balloon. * Hunter Daniels (nominated by Shannon, second: Jeff) * Hunter has been working on the Gulf Coast project since a month after the spill, both participating in mappings and leading trips. He consistently is coming up with new ideas for using not only the aerial mapping tool, but new tools such as the time lapse camera. Unfortunately, I (shannon) don't always have time to respond in a constructive manner about projects is is interested in doing and thus think that being on the organizers list would be beneficial for him. * Chris Fastie (nom. by Jeff, second Shannon, third Liz) * Chris has been producing some fantastic video documentation of synchronized cameras and more recently some extremely in-depth documentation on NDVI and dual camera kits. He's offered to organize Vermont-area events and is an experienced flyer and map stitcher. (http://publiclaboratory.org/notes/cfastie/4-10-2012/almost-synchronous-shutters, http://publiclaboratory.org/notes/cfastie/2-22-2012/dual-camera-kap-rig, http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/ndvi-plots-ir-camera-kit) * Gabriel Jaime Vanegas (nom by Jeff, second Shannon, third Liz) * Gabriel has organized balloon events in Colombia which have been extremely successful (https://www.flickr.com/photos/23385636@N03/6781048182/). I think we should try to engage and support overseas and non-English-centric organizers and Gabriel is a good example of this, although I'm not in good contact with him. * Jessi Breen (nominated by Adam, second Shannon, third Jeff) * Western NC Public Lab member. Has made maps on her own. Has her own KAP rig and is heading to Baltimore to enroll in a structure from motion phd program. * Pat Coyle (nominated by Stewart- hey Stu thanks for submitting this, Pat is already on the current "team" list and will be integrated over to the "organizers" list- Shan) * through Engineers Without Bordes Pat works abroad in sustainable local community development. In his work with Public Laboratory Pat has gone through the whole development cycle with the map tools. In addition to helping organize events and participating in the research, Pat has presented on behalf of Public Laboratory for various audiences. * Gena Wirth (nominated by Liz, seconded by Jeff, third by JenH) * Gena has stepped in to organize the first non-staff led Gowanus Mapping event. She is on the board of GCC our local partner. She has experience with both kite and balloon mapping in various locations (Brooklyn, Bronx, Colorado and North Carolina). As a landscape architect she is very interested in species identification from aerial visible and near-infrared imagery by first ground truthing and then creating interpretation guidelines. * Lela Prashad (nominated by Liz, second shannon, third by Jeff) * Lela has long been part of the crisis mapping community and is now a member of public lab bringing valuable remote sensing skills and invaluable community consciousness. She is also part of the OpenIR project and works with NASA and is currently building a relationship between PLOTS' spectroscopy community and scientists creating spectrometers for use on the planet Mars. She lives in New York City but works internationally with her mapping company NIJEL and her equally skilled partner JD. * Ives Rocha (nominated by Liz, second shannon, third by Jeff) * Ives (pronounced Eve-ish) was introduced to public laboratory through the UNICEF sponsored workshop in Rio de Janiero in August 2011. Ives quickly took to the technology and ethic of community creation, and since that time has led balloon mapping workshops around Rio to train other youth to map their own hillside communities. I am nominating him because it is sometimes hard to stay in touch as he works for a busy NGO called CEDAPS. There are at least three people in Rio who are actively using PLOTS tools and I want to encourage a chapter there. * Anita Chan (nominated by Sara, seconded by Jeff, third by JenH) * Anita started working with Public Lab through balloon mapping with indigenous communities in Peru. She has organized and led multiple mapping missions. She is also interested in spreading the use of the practice among anthropologists. Her academic research is on open source software communities in Peru. I am nominating her as I think the perspective of organizing mapping events outside of the US would be great, and her experience working with and studying open source communities would be beneficial to the evolution of our organization. * Michele Tobias (nominated by Shannon, second: Jeff, third by Stewart) * Michele came to Public Lab with a wealth of information on very high precision orthoimaging and new and interesting field methods to share. Michele has posted guides to ballooning techniques, amazing hi-res infrared maps, and has helped organize mapping events around Davis, CA.