Lead is a heavy metal that is common in our everyday environment. Historically it has been used in paints, pipes (including connectors/fittings), and gasoline among other places. Today, most industrial uses are limited to lead-acid batteries, a growing market. Lead is known toxin. There are no safe levels of lead for humans; any amount is a bad amount. Health effects range from mild health irritations and decreased fertility at low amounts, lower IQ and emotional/behavioral issues in milder amounts, and seizures, coma, and even death at higher amounts. ### Top exposure pathways (aka: sources of lead) include: - Paint - Soil - Dust, created by soil or paint - Water / Plumbing Lead may be in toys, cosmetics, food containers, and other places, but the above are the top 4 pathways. Paint is generally recognized as the primary source of lead. People talk quite a bit about lead in water, in part because of the crisis in Flint Michigan. Soil is a pathway that gets less attention; however, there is growing evidence that soil -- and in particular the dust that gets kicked up -- is a significant source of lead. ### How to test for lead in your home or community **Test it yourself: Buy a product off the shelf** - pros: This is probably the quickest path to testing. - cons: The results may not be reliable. **Test it yourself: DIY / Hacker methods** - pros: Good for citizen scientists and teachers. - cons: Actually these don’t exist yet :( Help us create them! **Get a professional to do it** - pros: Gets the most reliable results. - cons: can be slow/annoying if you’re working with your local gov’t or expensive if you’re paying a private company) **[Partner with a local college / university](https://publiclab.org/notes/read_holman/12-17-2018/partnering-with-a-local-college-for-environmental-testing)** - pros: Can be low-cost, allow for bulk testing, and help build important relationships - cons: Takes time to build relationships **Use a mail-in service** - pros: Uses reliable testing methods done by professionals - cons: May not be as fast as testing yourself, costs money ### Science / Regulations + Addressing the Issue - [List of Methods for Lead Detection & Monitoring](https://publiclab.org/notes/read_holman/12-12-2018/list-of-methods-for-lead-detection-monitoring) - Regulatory overview: What gov’t agencies are involved with this issue? (TBD) - [The Lead Data Initiative - A Public Lab effort.](https://publiclab.org/wiki/the-lead-data-collaborative-overview). ### Research Notes on PublicLab.org Related to this Topic [notes:lead!question:lead] ### Questions posted on PublicLab.org Related to this Topic [questions:lead]