Preparation for upcoming issues of the [Grassroots Mapping Forum](/forum) ##Issue 2## * Site: [Chandeleur Islands, May 9]( * (this site selection is from old discussion, we can change our minds) * Publication date: ... as specified in Kickstarter 2012 * Estimated cost shipped: ~$3.50 * Template "dummy" pdf: **Features:** * [Google Doc folder]( * Author: * Place feature: 14400 chars, ~7000 word: [Google Doc]( * Author: * Editorial: 4070 chars, ~2000 word: [Google Doc]( * Author: Jeff (i'd like to, i have a piece on "opening public lab") * Field notes: 4255 chars, ~2000 word: [Google Doc]( * Author: * Meet the Mappers: 2710 chars, ~1300 word: [Google Doc]( * Author: * Tool feature: 7400 chars, ~3500 word: [Google Doc]( * Author: * Back cover blurb + Authorship/Sponsorship: [Google Doc]( ##Issue 3## * Site: none yet * Publication date: none yet * Estimated cost shipped: ~$3.50 **Features:** * [Google Doc folder]( * Place feature: 14400 chars, ~7000 word * Editorial: 4070 chars, ~2000 word * Field notes: 4255 chars, ~2000 word * Meet the Mappers: 2710 chars, ~1300 word * Tool feature: 7400 chars, ~3500 word * Back cover blurb + Authorship/Sponsorship ---- **Old notes:** * More detailed context/introduction to the map (by Adam Griffith?) * Interview related to the map (Shannon in charge) * new layout (mathew) * editorial by Mikel Maron * Possible $1400 alternative printing process on heavier paper? * Trim edges to avoid "newspaper" look of GM Forum 1 * Need to capture subscriptions in Kickstarter Campaign