Tips and tricks for the Pi Builder software; see more at Using Pi Builder, you can download a premade SD card image to use your Pi as a WiFi streaming camera, a timelapse camera, an Infragram camera, and much more! Used in the following projects: * [Community Microscope Kit](/micro) * [Lego Spectrometer Kit](/lego) * [Infragram Pi Camera Kit](/wiki/raspberry-pi-infragram) (above!) ### Video quality The streaming video you see in the web interfaces is not the highest quality available; to change it, click `Camera settings` at the `http://pi.local/cam/` page, and change the `Wi` value to something higher like `1024`. It can in theory go as high as `1980`, but I think streaming at high framerates at this resolution is probably tough for your Pi. [![image.png](/i/27333)](/i/27333) ## Questions [questions:pi-builder] **** ## Activities [activities:pi-builder]