On this page the German Public Lab Enthusiasts organize themselves. Here you can find like-minded people and suggest ideas for joint projects, events, etc. ## People who are involved - @niklasjordan (Schwerin) - @alessandra (Stuttgart) ## What are we working on now: #### Event series: Basics of environmental citizen sciences in Schwerin (in planning) - Organizer: @niklasjordan - include developing a fine dust sensor with Arduino - Partnerships (in planning): [BUND](https://www.bund-mecklenburg-vorpommern.de/) (environmental organization) & [Hacklabor](https://hacklabor.de/) (local FabLab) ## Project ideas You have ideas for joint projects? Then write something here. ## Activities of German Public Lab community [notes:germany] **** [questions:germany] **** [activities:germany]