(draft page; content coming soon) Notes here: http://pad.publiclab.org/p/sample-comparison **** If you've found your way here after cutting out a spectrometer from a magazine, welcome! For starters, ### Introduction This introductory kit (also [available here](https://store.publiclab.org/collections/spectrometry), and [more info here](/wiki/foldable-spec)) has been co-designed by hundreds of contributors as an entry point to Public Lab's [collection of Do-It-Yourself spectrometry projects](/wiki/spectrometry). It's not the most robust design, or the most precise. But it's specifically for **newcomers to get started on** -- a stepping stone on the way to bigger and better DIY designs like the [Desktop Spectrometry Starter Kit](/wiki/dssk) and many more. This broader initiative is still actively under development by thousands of people coordinating their work across the open Public Lab community! Read more about our [challenges we're tackling](), as well as the [limitations and goals](https://publiclab.org/wiki/desktop-spectrometry-kit-3-0#Limitations+&+Goals) of our designs. **** ## Activities [activities:foldable-spec] **** ## Beer's Law [notes:beers-law] **** ## Resources https://publiclab.org/notes/warren/05-04-2016/tweaks-to-foldable-mini-spectrometer-design