A brief guide to embedding maps on PublicLab.org pages. Inline maps are a form of `inline power tags` which you can read more about on the power tags page: https://publiclab.org/wiki/power-tags Basic usage is with `[map:content:_latitude_:_longitude]`; for example: `[map:content:29.9:-90.0]` gets you: [map:content:29.9:-90.0] `[map:content:40.7:-73.9]` gets you: [map:content:40.7:-73.9] A good place to quickly find lat/lon for any place is http://osm.org (the URL will change as you pan around). Note how if you specify more precise numbers (more digits), it doesn't search as widely. We'll soon update so that shorter (less precise) coordinates make for a more zoomed-out map. `[map:content:40.70:-73.90]` [map:content:40.70:-73.90]