## Experiments This is a list of community-generated guides for experiments using your spectrometry setup (either a starter kit or a modded design) toward specific applications. Some may be more reproduced -- or reproducible -- than others. Try them out to build your skills, and help improve them by leaving comments. Purpose | Author | Time | Difficulty | Status | Goal ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------| Wavelength-calibrate with a Compact Fluorescent Blub (CFL) | @warren | 10 m | - | 150 replications Try It | X replications Scan sunlight | @warren | 10 m | - | 80 replications | X replications Compare different concentrations in a liquid sample (Beer’s Law, absorption) | @straylight | 4 h | easy | 0 replications Try it | X replications Extract samples (tomato) with ethanol | @cfastie | 2 h | easy | 0 replications Try it | 5 replications | 3 reviews Compare blends of olive and peanut oil | @ygstc | 3 h | moderate | 0 replications Try it | X replications Oil testing | @gretchengehrke | 2 h | moderate | 20 replications Try it | X replications _(draft) Collect and concentrate oil sheen_ | @matej | 6 h | difficult | 1 replication Try it | X replications _(requested) Determine effects of weathering on oil samples_ | - | - | difficult | - | - **[ Add your guide here ] [ Request a guide ]** _Guides should include a materials list and a step-by-step construction guide with photo documentation. See an example._ ## Hardware Mods Have you added to your starter kit, improved it, or redesigned it? Show others how to take it to the next level by posting a build guide here: Title | Author | Time | Difficulty | Status (?) | Goal ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------| Oil Testing Kit (fluorescence, cuvette frame) | multiple | 6 h | moderate | 0 builds Build it | 0 reviews “Ebert” mod | @cfastie | 4 h | easy | 0 builds | Build it | 5 builds Build it | 3 reviews OTK Proto 3 | @stoft | 13 h | difficult | 0 builds Build it | 0 reviews **[ Add your hardware mod here ] [ Request a hardware mod ]** _Mods should include a parts list and a step-by-step construction guide with photo documentation. See an example._ ## Builds There’s a lot going on in open source spectrometry -- if you’ve developed another open source design you’d like to show others how to construct, post it here! * [RamanPi](https://hackaday.io/project/1279-ramanpi-raman-spectrometer) * [Hackteria “drop”-style spectrometers](https://publiclab.org/notes/gaudi/04-03-2014/diy-micro-volume-spectrophotometer) / [DIY NanoDrop on Hackteria.org](http://hackteria.org/wiki/index.php/DIY_NanoDrop) * Add yours here