This is an (incomplete) documentation of the tools available in the new Spectral Workbench 2.0. Please help to build them out if you can! **** #Versioning Clone this spectrum and work on a copy **** #Data processing and display ###Calibrate this spectrum ###Subtract another spectrum ###Set wavelength range ###Copy calibration ###Transform ###Smooth ###Change units **** #Data extraction ###Set new cross-section ###Flip image horizontally ###Set new cross-section by % ###Detect brightest cross-section **** #Comparison & Sets ###Compare with another spectrum ###Find similar ###Add to a set ###Save as a set **** #Wishlist Please add features here that you'd like to see in upcoming versions of Spectral Workbench. Email as well so we know! As we receive them we'll move them down below to the "Specific feature requests" area, with links to the GitHub code management system so you'll be able to see if/when/how they're being addressed or incorporated into upcoming versions. We'll likely need your help defining, designing, and testing things! ###Specific feature requests * none yet!