Currently in the early stages of development, research notes can be found at the links below. There are two different tracks, one utilizing an industrial sensor with an arduino board and the other utilizing photographic paper with silver halide based on research done on H2S at volcanoes. [Framing the Problem]( Basic Information on Hydrogen Sulfide [Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring in Gas Patch: Background]9 [Hydrogen Sulfide: Information on the Gas]( [Conversion from µg/m3 to ppm hydrogen sulfide]( Arduino and Industrial H2S Sensor [Prototype H2S Sensor]( [Temperature and Humidity Sensors to Correct H2S]( [Arduino + Figaro Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor]( [Arduino Patch for Detecting Hydrogen] Sulfide( [Hydrogen Sulfide Detection for Fart Detector]( Photographic Paper for H2S Sensing [Hydrogen Sulfide Testing with Black and White Film]( [Hydrogen Sulfide Dosimeter]( [Hydrogen Sulfide Tarnishing Silver](