##What is this page about: The WheeStat is a potentiostat, which is an instrument used to study electron transfer reactions between species in solution and electrodes. There is a PublicLab wiki page that discusses potentiostats [here](http://publiclab.org/wiki/potentiostat). ##Other pages on the WheeStat: The history of the project was first described [here](http://publiclab.org/notes/JSummers/11-02-2013/potentiostat-notes-1-wheestat-history). Discussions of how to build the WheeStat hardware are described [here ](http://publiclab.org/notes/JSummers/12-30-2013/potentiostat-notes-3-wheestat-5-1-fabrication)and [here](http://publiclab.org/notes/JSummers/01-08-2014/potentiostat-notes-4-fabrication-made-easy). While the former note discusses how to build your own pcb, the latter tells how to order the pcb from OSH Park. Some early discussion on the software and graphic user interface are [here](http://publiclab.org/notes/JSummers/12-20-2013/potentiostat-software) and [here](http://publiclab.org/notes/JSummers/01-04-2014/potentiostat-notes-3a-timing-de-bugged). A discussion of making low cost electrodes is [here](http://publiclab.org/notes/JSummers/01-09-2014/potentiostat-notes-5-how-to-make-low-cost-electrodes). Use of the WheeStat and low cost electrodes in monitoring airborne hydrogen sulfide is [here](http://publiclab.org/notes/JSummers/03-10-2014/quantifying-airborne-hydrogen-sulfide). ##Graphic User Interface: The following video shows the setup of the GUI and some of it's functionality. It shows the expected behavior of the instrument, tested using a resistor of known value. The demonstration shows that Ohm's Law can be used to predict the current / voltage behavior of the voltage ramp experiment. The following video demonstrates some of the experiments that the WheeStat is programmed to do: