([Google Doc link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15zkK1Fe1mBCsrL_cms3ofDoQDQ-wZ8eEWzbiJTTa8Rs/edit?pli=1&hl=en#)) Monday, October 3, 2011 _Sara, Shannon, Stewart, Adam, Liz, Jeff_ ###Recent & Upcoming events### * Barn raising...50 powerlines crossing in 1.5 miles. Can we get on river? Please finalize participants list directly into the barnraising wiki page. * Shannon to DC for talk with Emma and Kate on Togo * Next Gowanus Mapping (Fall color) October 23 Sunday. * Follow-up with Bucket Brigade in Rhode Island is happening on Sunday October 9 * training with community around asphalt plant. * Also GCM doing site inspection with balloon mapping as prototype for adding this method for all their site assessments. * Catherine d’Ignacio/RISD mapping class trip on Oct 12th - Save the Bay’s remediation site in Providence * LAGCC - Newtown Creek add into partnerships with Riverkeeper. good to have the map exported. * Lecture/mapping at Clark University - Hamil Pearsil - peer-reviewed papers * Lecture/mapping at Harvard GSD/Mike Hooper, Basurama/Pablo Rey ###Fundraising### * Environmental Anthropology $2K * NEH process - procrastination? project management? * UNICEF - submit LOI ###Public Archive/Web### * knitter changes, additions * http://www.pbs.org/idealab/2011/10/with-public-lab-a-camera-flies-in-brooklyn-to-monitor-pollution273.html read it and vote! ###Organization### * Switching Friday call to tool/site updates led by Jeff (tool) and Shannon (sites) * Time accounting- how can we make this process easier for people * Reimbursements * Health insurance- Sara ###Field work this week### * Barataria * Occupy Wall Street - Liz shared those legal articles with Oscar - are we even retweeting about this? publicizing our image sorting and map stitching? what about the confusion with that falsified aerial image? http://occupywallst.org/ http://twitter.com/#!/occupywithart/status/120490619578757120 http://twitter.com/#!/occupywithart/status/120490818090962944 http://blog.timparkinson.net/2011/09/30/lies-damn-lies-and-photoshop/ * Bronx River by Gena Wirth, also she photographed the outer banks for fun.