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publiclaboratory - the main Public Lab discussions; if in doubt, post here! (1881+ members as of 2/4/2014)
**[laboratoriopublico](** - la lista de correo en castellano**[grassrootsmapping](** - balloon & kite-mapping discussions. (>900 members)
**[plots-spectrometry](** - spectrometry and spectral analysis discussions. (>750 members) **[plots-infrared](** - near-infrared and vegetation monitoring discussions. (>125 members) **[plots-waterquality](** - discussion list for water quality related topics. Lots of healthy overlap with **publiclaboratory** (started ~Oct 13 2013) **[plots-airquality](** - discussion list for air quality related topics. Was started for a project with EPA and is now open to all.** (started summer 2012, 14 members as of Oct 2013) **[plots-dev](** - discussion list for programmers and code-related topics. (Started end of October 2013)New content coming soon!