We worked on a version of thermal fishing bob described here:
We found there were problems with the circuit diagram shown in this wiki page.
This version uses a 10K Thermistor from Ada Fruit:
It comes with a 1% 10K resistor which you can use as calibration or for a resistor divider
Additional parts:
* 1 [common-anode RGB LED](http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10820)
* wire
* [a breadboard](http://www.sparkfun.com/products/7916) or circuit board & soldering eqmt.
* [Arduino](http://arduino.cc)
* 9v battery and holder
Here is our first draft of the circuit board:
Following the excellent [Ada Fruit instructions](http://learn.adafruit.com/thermistor/using-a-thermistor) changed the board to stabilize the voltage through the circuit:
Here is the arduino sketch:
We had some successful tests:
The circuit inside its repurposed Kool-Aid enclosure.
We stabilized it with styrofoam cups.
And deployed it in the bathtub.