Upcoming fundraising possibilities:

Google spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlY4Tg28DhosdGNqekVCLUo0TDRNVW9PQWJoYmhTV3c&hl=en_US#gid=0

**Not yet reviewed:**

* Aug 22 prelim: http://www.cec.org/Page.asp?PageID=1224&SiteNodeID=1007&AA_SiteLanguageID=1 
* http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503256
* http://www.deq.state.va.us/cmonitor/grant.html
* http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/ 
* http://cfpub.epa.gov/fedfund/ 
* http://foundationcenter.org/
* http://www2.guidestar.org/ (this would be good to become a member of at some point)

###Environmental Defense Fund Challenge##

* Due Aug 13th
* [Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_W_OL2LZhQOF8PUHRDYQk02nJi53Nr_9JO4CIVOXupw/edit?hl=en_US)
* infrared farm monitoring - doesn't have to be a proposal for work, just a proposed solution to their problem. that said, should focus on how we've 'proved it out'
* possible partners, Asheville farm, Alice Gray farm in West Bank, others?

###Informal Science Education - NSF###

* http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5361&org=EHR&from=home
* more detail: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2011/nsf11546/nsf11546.htm
* Prelim propsal due Aug 12
* Dozens of grants per year at $9k to over a million
* Prelims are optional but recommended for first-timers:
* Type: Probably Full-scale Development, $1-3 million, up to 5 year

[Google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dTvmalNgSsZdLtpZVl_dVLqp2cdEjvdniG3cpyNXses/edit?invite=CMKd1NAE)

###The Fund for Wild Nature###

Feb 1, May 1, Sept 1

* funds the "development of citizen science" and favor small groups with ob's under 250k
* give small grants, $1-5k


###NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants###

* September 27, 2011
* $5-25k
* nonprofits

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) invites applications to the Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants program. This program is designed to encourage innovations in the digital humanities. By awarding relatively small grants to support the planning stages, NEH aims to encourage the development of innovative projects that promise to benefit the humanities.  For more information and application information, please go to http://www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/digitalhumanitiesstartup.html.

###i3: Investing in Innovation - Dept of Education###

2011 not announced yet, but 2010 was opened at beginning of March 2010. It was due in mid-May, and awarded in September.

Grants of $5m (Development), $30 (Validation), and $50 (Scale-up)


Good overview of 2010 process: http://thejournal.com/articles/2010/03/08/i3-innovation-grant-program-opens.aspx

> for, according to ED: "supporting effective teachers and principals; improving the use of data to accelerate student achievement; complementing the implementation of standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and careers; and turning around persistently low-performing schools."

> four other priorities that will enhance an applicant's ability to receive funding: "improving outcomes for young children; expanding students' access to college and preparing them for success in college; addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities and of limited English proficient students; and serving schools in rural areas."

> Grant recipients will be required to match 20 percent of their awards themselves or via investment from the private sector. 

[Summary of the characteristics of the 2010 Highest-Rated Applicants](http://www2.ed.gov/programs/innovation/2010/summary-i3hra.pdf)

> ...provides funding to support (1) local educational agencies (LEAs), and (2) nonprofit organizations in partnership with (a) one or more LEAs or (b) a consortium of schools. 

> The Investing in Innovation Fund, a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, provides competitive grants designed to encourage programs that improve student achievement, student retention, student graduation rates, and teacher/administrator effectiveness. To this end, applications are being accepted by local school districts, groups of school districts, and non-profits working with groups of schools or whole districts.

###Open Society Fellowship###


> Proposals received by August 1, 2011 will be evaluated by November 21, 2011.  The next deadline will be in early 2012 for evaluation that spring. 

(Which seems a bit too fast. Maybe we should plan to submit one for early 2012?)

"In addition to the stipend, fellows will receive a project budget. That budget may include expenses such as travel (including airfare and hotel), visa costs, part-time research assistance, conference fees and health insurance. Fellowship expenses should not include operational or programmatic costs, such as employees and physical infrastructure. The purpose of the fellowship is to support individual fellows; therefore the program will only cover individual expenses."