### Background - Nice wikipedia description of what a potentiostat is [here](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potentiostat). - A basic description of potentiostat architectures can be found at http://www.consultrsr.com/resources/pstats/design.htm - CheapStat -- PLOSOne article [here](http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0023783) -- they use a DIY design to assess ascorbic acid in orange juice, cyanide in water, acetaminophen content of over-the-counter pain medication, and arsenic in water. Neat! - An open potentiostat at Cornell is [here](http://angenent.bee.cornell.edu/potentiostat.html) ### Uses - Assess arsenic, cyanide, other contaminants / toxins in water - Educational - Identifying toxins / ingredients in foodstuffs ### Development - [olm-pstat](http://github.com/cversek/olm-pstat) - repository for the PLOTS/[PVOS](http://www.pvos.org/) Open Lab Monitor potentiostat peripheral - [source code](http://github.com/cversek/olm-pstat/blob/master/doc/src/Feb21_2013_ASV_CV_3.ino) from Jack Summers' DIY potentiostat ### OHS 2013 - Table - should have power - Device - need to try chem experiment. Craig - Experiment materials. Craig. Two sets of cables, to avoid contamination. - Code - realtime plot in Python. Craig - Serial library patch - Applications: describe what this can do. Don - Feedback/sign up form. Ian - Cards with logo. In a week. Jake will order. - Schematic. Craig or Don make SVG diagram. High level and lower level of feedback loop - Data sample image - python output, Craig - Reference list: - electro-chemistry textbook - Jack - PVOS GitHub repo - various current publications on potentiostats - Instructions on setup - Ian will contact Kipp. Do we get free passes as demoers, or do we need to order tickets? - PVOS logo into Badger form - Ian