Caption: Normal color photo (top) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image. NDVI image was derived from two color channels in a single photo taken with a camera modified with a special infrared filter. Note that tree trunks, brown grass, and rocks have very low NDVI values because they are not photosynthetic. Healthy plants typically have NDVI values between 0.1 and 0.9. Images by Chris Fastie. Visit the [gallery of high-res images by Chris Fastie]( ###Point & shoot infrared photography The goal of Public Lab's Infragram project is to bring the power of NDVI and other infrared vegetation imaging back to earth where everyone can now take close-up images of plants or landscapes and instantly learn about their health and vigor. ![RoscoVis-201335838.jpg]( _Chris Fastie's [infrared/visible camera prototype](/notes/cfastie/04-21-2013/rosco)_ We are able to tweak a single camera to capture near-infrared, green, and blue light. This allows us to try to understand and quantify how much of the available light plants are metabolizing into sugar via photosynthesis. We do this by filtering out the red light, and **reading infrared in its place** using a piece of carefully chosen "NGB" filter. Read more about [the development of this technique here]( You can also learn more about how digital camera image sensors detect colors [at this great tutorial by Bigshot]( ![swap.png]( ##How we do it Basically, we remove the infrared blocking filter from a conventional digital camera and replace it with a carefully chosen "infrablue" filter. This lets the camera read infrared and visible light at the same time, but in different color channels. While we used to use a two-camera system, [research by Chris Fastie]( and [other Public Lab contributors](/tag/near-infrared-camera) have led to the use of a **single camera which can image in both infrared and visible light simultaneously**. The Infrablue filter is just a piece of carefully chosen theater gel which was examined using [a DIY spectrometer](/wiki/spectrometer). You can use this filter to turn most webcams or cheap point-and-shoots into an infrared/visible camera. ##How to process your images: We're working on an easy process to generate composite, infrared + visible images that will reveal new details of plant health and photosynthesis. There are several approaches: * The **easiest way** is to process your images online at the free, open source []( * [Ned Horning's](/profile/nedhorning) [PhotoMonitoring plugin](/wiki/photo-monitoring-plugin) * Manual processing * [in Photoshop](/notes/warren/10-25-2011/video-tutorial-creating-infrared-composites-aerial-wetlands-imagery) * [or GIMP](/notes/warren/10-27-2011/video-tutorial-creating-false-color-ndvi-aerial-wetlands-imagery) * Using (deprecated) * Command-line processing of single images and rendering of movies using a Python script. Source code is [here]( **Note:** Older versions of this page have been kept at the following wiki page: