Four alternative models for an infrared plant health camera. 1) One camera with a filter switcher which switches between IR block and IR pass filters 2) Two cameras, one unmodified and one with an IR pass filter 3) One camera with a superblue (Schott BG3) filter. 4) Two cameras, one unmodified and one with a superblue filter. |Feature | ..1..|..2..|..3..|..4..| |:----------------------------------------------------------------|:--------------------:|:--------------------:|:-------------------:|:-----------------:| |number of cameras|1|2|1|2| |filter switcher|1|0|0|0| |normal RGB color output|Y|Y|N|Y| |optics modified for RGB image?|Y|N|na|N| |NRG output|Y|Y|N|Y| |NDVI output|Y|Y|Y|Y| |shutter sync for NDVI|N|Y|N|N| |shutter sync for NRG|N|Y|na|Y| |rectification for NDVI|Y|Y|N|N| |rectification for NRG|Y|Y|na|Y| |parallax for NDVI|N|Y|N|N| |parallax for NRG|N|Y|na|Y| |RGB/NIR synchrony possible?|N|Y|Y|Y| |buy superblue filter?|N|N|Y|Y|