Public Lab Research note

Mockups for website improvements

by warren | May 30, 2012 22:14 30 May 22:14 | #2261 | #2261

For those interested or already involved in one of the ongoing projects to improve the Public Lab website:

...some of the projects are reaching the stage where we've made a lot of progress thoroughly describing a need or problem and have started discussing various solutions, whether changes in design, new functions, or just better documentation.

For these, we can start making design mockups to see what possible changes would look like. I've seen people use Balsamiq Mockups to great effect (i made a test mockup above), although of course just sketching on napkins or using Photoshop is fine too.

Anyhow anyone is welcome to get involved and if you have specific feedback (i.e. "it's really confusing to post a wiki page" or "i can't find where to edit my subscriptions") we'd love to have your input.


I just set up a shared project (30-day trial) and made it open-access, and made a start on a mockup for the User Dashboard redesign. Anyone can jump in and make/modify mockups now:

Let's just get this done in 30 days so we don't have to pay for it ;-)


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