Hello everyone! We haven't had a Web Working Group (#wwg) or #GSoC update for a little while, as I've been traveling and busy catching up. But to resume, I wanted to highlight some of the great work the Google Summer of Code work that's been happening, as well as the work of a new contributor, @chongr, during the past three weeks.
Ryan Chong (@chongr) has solved up two of our "help wanted" issues -- those specifically requesting help from new contributors, and better documented to make it easier to get involved in coding with PublicLab.org -- and submitted a solution for a third -- all in the past three weeks. I'm very happy to have his contributions, and want to shout out to the Hoodie project for inspiring us with their wealth of suggestions for "rolling out the red carpet" for new contributors. Interestingly, Ryan found us through our organization page on Google Summer of Code. Thanks, Ryan!
Moving on, there's been a great deal of work on all the summer's projects, and you should be seeing a number of them start to go live on the site in coming days. We'll be asking for everyone's help and patience in trying them out and ironing out any issues you see!
Ujitha Perera (@Ujitha) writes of the Advanced Search project, which he's working on with :
In this week I'm going to optimize our new setup from solr queries. Already we have installed solr search engine top of rails. Hence directly we can apply sunspot methods on our queries and test the performance.
Richard Meister (@rmeister) writes of the WebJack project:
I've written a research note about design decisions in WebJack, filed a PR to SoftModem for integration into the Arduino Library Manager and currently am writing a tutorial for testing the pre-release of WebJack.
(Richard's posts can be found under the tag #webjack.)
Ananyo Maiti (@ananyo2012) writes of the Question and Answer project:
In this week I worked on the email notification system for the Q & A Project. Relevant changes can be found in the Pull Request #612
Jitesh Jha (@jiteshxyz) writes of the Internationalization project:
For the internationalization project, I have recently added language support from HTTP active header(which results into better detection of preferred language from the user), introduced rails-i18n on the javascript code, and the dashboard is now language-friendly!
Finally, I'm working hard on the #rich-editor project and getting started on the #rich-wiki project, so stay tuned for announcements about those too!
Thanks, students, mentors, and other contributors!
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