Public Lab Research note

A big WELCOME to our Outreachy/GSoC team for 2019!

by warren | May 06, 2019 18:33 06 May 18:33 | #19259 | #19259

Hi, all! I wanted to reach out because we will have a record-size team this summer, between 2 Outreachy and 13 GSoC fellows --- we've never had a group this big! We also have a bigger mentor group, but we will certainly need students to help one another. I wanted to reach out and welcome everyone, but also set the tone for the kind of mutual support we will need to succeed together.

Here are the announcements - congratulations!!!:

I was thinking of asking people individually to keep an eye on someone else's work even as they do their own. Each person might have a set of skills they could use to help another with -- whether it's writing tests, making FTOs, solving database issues, designing UIs, or creating clear and simple documentation. We'll need to rely on each other --- students helping students above all --- to pull this off and ensure everyone has a great summer, learns a lot, and finds success!

A note to those who we weren't able to accept in this year's program: we had over 20 fantastic proposals, and if we had the slots available and the mentoring team, we would surely have accepted more. Please know that we are extremely grateful for your work with us to date and that we welcome you to continue being part of this community. We considered many factors, among which are the prioritization of different projects, our ability to support different kinds of projects with good mentorship, and much more. So our inability to accept you should not be taken in a discouraging way, or as a suggestion that your proposal and your skills were not impressive and exciting on their own merits. Thank you for understanding and we hope you'll apply again ❤️


Title Author Updated Likes Comments
GSOC-19 Mapknitter synchronous editing @vidit almost 6 years ago 2
GSoC proposal: Mapknitter Image Management and Synchronous Editing @divyabaid16 over 5 years ago 2
GSoC Proposal 2019: Mapknitter's Rails Upgrade @alaxallves almost 6 years ago 5
GSoC proposal: Image Sequencer @aashnaaashna almost 6 years ago 9
SoC proposal: Image-Sequencer v3: Boosting the performance and adding demonstration based on colorimetry @lit2017001 almost 6 years ago 7
SOC proposal: Extend Leaflet Environmental Layers with new layer menu and layer addition workflow @anan12 almost 6 years ago 5
SoC Proposal : Spectral Workbench Capture @sidntrivedi012 almost 6 years ago 12
SOC 2019: A small proposal for global environmental monitoring @MaggPi almost 6 years ago 13
GSoC Proposal: Mapknitter Rails 6 upgrade @kaustubh_nair almost 6 years ago 6
Outreachy Proposal 2019 For Public Lab: @gautami_gg almost 6 years ago 11
GSoC proposal: Mapknitter ORB Descriptor (w/ auto-stitching, pattern training, and live video support) and LDI revamp (major UI enhancements) @rexagod almost 6 years ago 30
GSoC proposal: Sensor data upload and display library @IshaGupta18 almost 6 years ago 33
SoC proposal: GSoC: Websocket Implementation for Real-time Usage and Sensor data and Display Library @namangupta almost 6 years ago 20
SoC proposal: Community Toolbox overhaul @icode365 almost 6 years ago 14


Awesome !!! Congrats everyone :-)

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Congrats everyone 🎉 😃.

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Thank you, Public Lab! Really excited for the upcoming Summer!

Cheers, everyone!

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Awesome to see many of you today!!

On Mon, May 6, 2019, 6:25 PM \<> wrote:

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rexagod wrote:

Thank you, Public Lab! Really excited for the upcoming Summer! Cheers, everyone!

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. And let's work !!

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Thank you so much to the whole Public Lab community. Will try to contribute as much as possible this summer. 🎉 🙂

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