Above: Group aerie at LEAFFEST 2012.
- WHAT: An annual meetup to refine Public Lab tools and brainstorm new ones.
- WHEN: September 13 and 14 (Saturday and Sunday).
- WHERE: Chris’s house in Salisbury, Vermont.
- HOW: Bring a tent and stay the whole weekend. There will be lots of food.
- WHY: Because Public Labbers like to make things better (and also like camping and eating).
Public Lab Organizers Chris Fastie and Ned Horning will be hosting the gathering. The agenda includes at least four projects:
- The Oil Testing Kit: Jeff Warren will lead a work session to improve the light gathering performance and precision of the new fluorescence spectrometry kit.
- The Riffle: Don Blair will lead a field deployment of Riffles and calibration sensors to explore the capabilities of this emerging water quality sensor.
- Infragram calibration: Ned Horning will lead a work session to test protocols for producing calibrated NDVI values from infrared photos taken by single- and dual-camera infrared systems.
- Your suggestion: You will request that we organize a session about an existing or potential Public Lab tool that you would like to learn about or try or tell others about.
Above: Tenting by Smoldering Girl, the idolatrous mascot of LEAFFEST 2013
Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of the weekend to contribute or learn. We will post more details here as they emerge and also at the publiclab-northeast Google Group where you can ask questions and suggest activities. Questions and suggestions are also welcome in the comments below.
There are 24 research notes tagged LEAFFEST from the first events in 2012 and 2013. Let's up the average this year!
To help us plan,
Please sign up at this Google form
Here is a Google Doc for planning ride sharing
Thanks to Public Lab and Rackspace for sponsoring LEAFFEST this year.
Chris, i saw in the newsletter that LEAFEST was listed for September 20-21...is this true? I hope not! I hope it's still September 13-14 as listed here in this note. I care because NYC needs Boston peeps at World Maker Faire that same weekend.
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Thanks Liz, I missed that. LEAFFEST is on the weekend of the the 13th and 14th of September. If anyone shows up at my house on the 20th I will send them directly to Queens.
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Oh thank you Chris!!!!!! :D <3
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Whee! LEAFFEST III here I come!
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