This is Mr. Kwame with St John STEM Magnet Students, we are studying Microplastics.
Our main concern:
Microplastics in the Mississippi River.
Obstacles and supporting information:
How does the presence of microplastics in the Mississippi river effect the environment?
Who is engaged in this concern?
Students from St. John STEM Magnet program is studying microplastics and the Mississippi River.
What are the initial questions?
What is microplastic pollution and where does it come from?
What is marine plastic pollution like in our area?
This is Carlo, a STEM Magnet student studying microplastics. Microplastics absorb pollutants and carry diseases that are consumed by organisms and break down into their bodies. This effects organisms who use or consume water from the river such as humans, fish, crustaceans, etc. Microplastic pollution is plastic pollution at a small-scaled sized posing as micro contaminants and they come from things with small plastic particles like cigarettes' filters, textile fibers, cleaning products, tires, and dust. Marine plastic pollution in the Mississippi River near our school is posed with many plastics and debris in the water that poses as a threat to the environment. There is about 11 million metric tons of plastic.
Video: "Microplastics inside Humans and Plants" Adison Cooper 2/17/22 Microplastics are found everywhere in our world and are no bigger than 5mm (about 0.2 in). Weathering of larger plastic products can create microplastics. These kinds of microplastics are called secondary microplastics. Degradation of macro-plastics create microplastics. Fishing nets are one of the main reasons for floating microplastics in the ocean. There is an estimated 14 million metric tons of microplastics on the ocean floor. The largest microplastic pollutant in the artic ocean is from laundry. In December of 2020, microplastics were found in the womb. Bakelight, the first plastic, was created only just about 100 years ago. Plastics are non-biodegradable; they do not break down or decompose.
Microplastics are small plastic pieces less than five millimeters long which can be harmful to our ocean and aquatic life. Plastic debris can come in all shapes and sizes, but those that are less than five millimeters in length are called microplastics. Microplastics cause damage to human cells in the laboratory at the levels known to be eaten by people via their food, a study has found. They found specific types of harm – cell death, allergic response, and damage to cell walls – were caused by the levels of microplastics that people ingest.
Microplastics Are Invaders To Our Environment There is a new war on Terrorism that needs to be waged. However, this battle is not against human combatants that are foreign and abroad, but world wide! This dangerous enemy is both domestic and foreign. The mission of these marauders is to invade and affect every fiber of our biosphere. I am referring to the indigenous pollutants known as "microplastics". Microplastics are man-made and despite serving a multiple of useful purposes, have radically and aggressively damaged the environment. Microplastics have invaded all of the spheres both abiotic and biotic ranging from the deepest depths of the oceans to the highest mountain peaks. These pollutants are invasive and having catastrophic impacts on every phase of life. In December of 2020, medical science reported the first discovery of microplastics in human placenta of an unborn fetus! The Peace talks are over! The entire human race needs to declare war on these man-made assailants that seek to change life as we know it.
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Our main goal is to collect micro plastics from the river. Where we had to build a device to do those things.
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It is small plastic pieces less than five millimeters long and come from cigarette filters, tires, dust, personal care product, etc. Marine pollution in our area is not really focused on because of the lack of major waterways in our community, but it s a problem.
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Microplastics are tiny particles that were once larger plastics, but we broken down. They come from a variety of sources of plastics. They can be found in bodies of water and in your body. These microplastics have an effect on plants, animals, and humans.
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Microplastics can carry disease-causing organisms. It can affect life and soil. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic as a consequence of plastic pollution. Marine plastic pollution in our area includes bottles, straws, cups, etc.
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The babylegs project is mainly focused on successfully collecting microplastic out any body of water. The purpose of building this is to help make the environment safer and cleaner for wildlife.
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Our goal is to collect microplastics from the Mississippi river. We had to build a device called a babylegs, that's main job is to collect microplastic samples. Microplastics are tiny particles that were once larger plastics, but were broken down. They come from a variety of sources of plastics.
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What is microplastic pollution and where does it come from? Microplastic pollution is the abundance of tiny plastic particles that are the result of the break down of larger plastic products. In this state the microplastics can be found in bodies of water or even in our own bodies. They are so small that along with many animals, we unintentionally ingest them. What is marine plastic pollution like in our area? Marine plastic pollution in our area is a huge issue. As a result of commercial fishing and the New Orleans port's traffic, there is a high level of microplastic pollution in the Gulf and in the Mississippi River.
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Microplastics are extremely small particles of plastic waste that can come from plastic waste that has eroded into smaller pieces, or pieces of plastic that were originally designed to be small. In our area marine plastic pollution can be found in both normal plastic pollution in the form of plastic packaging, and microplastic waste in the from of nurdles and broken up pieces of larger plastics
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Victoria S., Kaylie F., & Chandler L. - Mrs. Desra Joseph's Class
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Ms. Joseph 1st Block Class
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Microplastics are the particles of plastic that float around and invade our water ways. They come from littered plastic bottles and other plastics. There are over 14 million tons of these microplastics on our ocean floors. Recently these harmful microplastics have been detected in humans and in plants.
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Microplastics extremely small pieces of plastic debris in the environment resulting from the disposal and breakdown of consumer products and industrial waste. There are 14 million metric tons of microplastics on the ocean floor . In December of 2020, Microplastics were discovered inside of the placenta which could possibly cause birth and or developmental defects. Microplastic pollution affects the Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Geosphere, and Atmosphere. Studying microplastics and their effects on the environment helps me to understand how to push people to start recycling and find ways to reverse microplastic pollution.
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Andrew Smith 2/17/2022.
Microplastics are minuscule pieces of plastics that are under 5 mm in length that contaminate our water ways. There is also a variant called macroplastics which are plastics over the length of 5 mm. Microplastics affected all 4 spheres such as the hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and the atmosphere. 14 million metric tons of microplastics sit on the ocean floor. Most of microplastics are found in plants and animals (about a 12/20 ratio.) The plastics are non-biodegradable which means they do not break down nor decompose.
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Microplastic is an increasing problem in the environment. Microplastic particles are smaller the 5 mm in size. Plastic accumulates in soil, land, rivers, lakes, and in the ocean. Microplastics can cause damage to human cells which is concerning because once the plastic is in the environment there really isn't a way of getting it out. We are exposed to them everyday when eating or even inhaling. You never know when you are surrounded by them. The microplastics can also travel through waterways which end up in the ecosystems and have an effect by harming the marine life, fish, algae, crabs, turtles, and even birds.
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Journal 1 Entry: One day, I found multiple water bottles laying on my lawn. They most likely came from us playing basketball a week earlier. They came from a pack of Kentwood out of cabinet. These bottles were made to perfectly shape and bottle water to carry around. It gives convenience. It's on the ground because of the carelessness of me and my friends. We were worried about drinking the water rather than the effects of littering. We were worried about the bottles before we drink the water, but not after.
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journal entry 1: You walk down the street and see a water bottle on the ground. You in fact see multiple. An everyday item, which is used all the time by us. It is made in a recycling factory that recycles used plastic and makes them into water bottles.. It was made to store water for people to drink. And it was on the ground because someone threw it there being lazy.
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Public Journal Entry 1 I was walking from a snowball stand and saw a fast food soda cup that looked like it was used once and just got dirty in mud. It is not in a landfill or being recycled because the person that was in possession of it decided to throw it on the ground, littering the community, instead of putting in the trash can.
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Journal Entry 1: I was about the leave out of the house to go somewhere with my mom. I opened the door and there were cigarette buds in front of the door and in the lawn. They either came from my sibling or neighbor. There are multiple manufacturing companies around the world that make cigarette filters. Cigarette buds are many from a man-made plastic called cellulose acetate. Over 18 billion cigarette buds are littered everyday. The cigarette bus were on the ground because of careless people in my neighborhood.
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Journal Entry 1- Mr.Phillip's Second Block- After walking into school today i found a ballpoint pen on the ground. The writing on the side says it was made in China, and its purpose is to write or draw. There's only a bit of ink left, so its probably been used for a while. It was probably on the ground due to someone accidentally dropping it.
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Journal Entry 1:
I found a plastic candy wrapper on the road. I was a snickers candy wrapper. I can assume that it was used to wrap the candy bar. I can infer that the wrapper was created in an industry setting at a Mars Inc. industrial location. It has been used for one purpose, to wrap the candy bar for effective transportation and protection from outside contaminants. In the industrial building it was used to package the product. In the store it was bought by a consumer and was used by that consumer to keep their candy bar in pristine condition until they wanted to eat the snickers bar. Once they ate the snickers bar they failed to throw it away in a trash can. They instead threw it out of their car door while riding down the street or simply dropped it. The reason it is not effectively disposed of is because the consumer isn't aware or convicted of the damage they can cause. I believe that it was not recycled because the dangers of plastic and microplastic pollution are not taken seriously in the world around us.
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Daniel Folgar
Journal Entry 1 - I found an empty bag of doritos on the ground while on a walk. It was made by the frito lay company, to hold doritos chips. Since it is a single use product, it has only been used once. It was on the ground and not in the trash or recycling bin probably because whoever was using it was too lazy to throw it away.
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Journal entry 1: I was walking down the street and I saw a water bottle. I think the water bottle was used a while ago because it was dirty and kind of looked old. I think someone might of thrown it on the ground while they were taking a run or walk.
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Journal Entry 1: I was walking down the street attending a parade and saw plastic straws laying everywhere. People must've threw them all down there after finishing their drinks. They weren't in landfills because the people that had them decided to just lazily throw them on the ground rather than putting it in a trash can.
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Adison Cooper 2/22/22 Environmental Science - Rene Phillips
Dr. Rick Smith did an experiment on himself to determine weather or not microplastics are in humans. He tested his own stool to determine that he does indeed have many microplastics in his body. He inferred that the types of plastics found in his stool were from plastic food packaging and clothing. The small size of microplastics enable them to be able to travel through our blood stream. This is dangerous because the chemicals used to create plastics are entering our bodies. Not only are they entering but they aren't being broken down either because they are non-biodegradable.
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(Christian) Journal Entry 1: I saw a plastic bottle on the ground when walking. Based on that, I can assume that once purchased by someone to quench their thirst, they simply "disposed" of it. Obviously not the proper way since they probably aren't aware of the damage they can cause to the world since they didn't recycle it.
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Caleb Hall- Environmental Science- 2-22-2022 Microplastic intrusion into the human body can occur in ways other than just drinking or eating food with microplastics in them. According to an experiment by Dr. Rick Smith, microplastics can make their way into our system by just using plastic products. Dr. Smith drank water and ate from plastic bottles and containers, used plastic utensils and clothes, and just overall surround himself with more plastic. These microplastics can have drastic affects on our bodies too. Some microplastics are found to be smaller than 100 microns, which is small enough for them to be carried by the blood and eventually deposit in other organs, even the brain. The chemicals that are used to make plastics could also cause harm, but there isn't much research on them yet.
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Today, I learned that microplastics the size of of a strand of hair can be lodged in the most vital organs that clean out the blood (liver, kidneys, etc.) Microplastics can enter our bloodstreams through the clothes we wear, the foods we eat, etc. We consume microplastics unintentionally and unknowingly everyday. If we were to use more multi-use plastics it could possibly cut down on the amount of plastic in the world.
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I've learned various of facts about microplastics today. There is a variant called nanoplastics they are so microscopic that they are comparable to the size of a thread of hair. When you are analyzing microplastics, use metal or glass equipment so you can prevent yourself from contaminating the microplastics. Also wear proper clothing during testing and analyzing. Dr. Rick Smith (the creator of Slow Death by Rubber Duck) tested microplastics using his own waste. He'd wear clothing and eat food that contained microplastics.
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(Christian) Today I learned that even the tiniest bit of plastic can severely cause harm to our bodies over a period of time. Plastics so small that they are compared to the size of a single strain of hair. These things can enter your blood, food, water etc. Leading to harm to your body in the future since we consume so many on a daily without notice. When doing research, you can discover that we consume about 5 grams of microplastics weekly.
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From Dr. Smith's experiment, I learned that humans might already have many microplastics within them. There are other ways microplastics can invade the body besides eating or drinking. Microplastics can make their way into our system by just using plastic products. Even just surrounding yourself with plastic products could leave you at risk of microplastics getting into your body.
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Andrew Smith 2.23.2022 I have learned various things today from Dr. Scott Coffin. He governs companies and prevents them from using microplastics. I've learned about the difference between traditional and non-traditional plastics. Some Traditional Plastics are Polypropylene, Polystyrene, and High density Polyethylene. Some Non-traditional Plastics are Silicones , Synthetic Rubber, Synthetic Fibers, and Cellulose Acetate. There were no standard methods to study microplastics at first. Most of testing and experimentation are geared to microplastics, but they should advance their studies to focus more on nanoplastics and how they are going to affect the environment in the future. Nanoplastics (<40nm) are cytotoxic, induce cell apoptosis, reduce cell proliferation. Polystyrene particles(<500nm) cross placental barrier and distribute to brain, lung, and liver.
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Today, we learned that the history of microplastics is somewhat confusing. Only about 5 years ago, barely anyone knew what microplastics were, there wasn't even a unified definition of microplastics. This was scientists such as Dr. Scott Coffin began to push law makers for more awareness of these plastics. This has resulted in a unified definition and understanding of what microplastics are, as well as a large group of people researching the causes and affects that microplastics can have on the environment, animals, and humans.
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Adison Cooper 2/23/22 "Microplastics in The Drinking Water": by Dr. Scott Coffin Environmental Science - Rene Phillips - 2nd Block
Dr. Scott Coffin has the responsibility of researching microplastic pollutants and providing information on their affects on humans. He pointed out in his presentation that we cannot be sure of all the chemicals entering our bodies from the plastics. This is because we have not yet developed technology to effectively evaluate nano plastics. He informs listeners that microplastics have proven to cause infertility in rats. While this is true it does not mean it applies to humans. Nano plastics have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and have also been found in the placenta. The reality of plastics pollution is severe and if not taken care of will multiply exponentially in a way that can be detrimental to our world.
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I learned that most testing are intended to microplastics. They should be able to study into it more to be able to focus on how much it affects our environment. I learned about the traditional plastics and nontraditional plastics. Traditional plastics would be polystyrene and polypropylene. Nontraditional plastics would be synthetic rubber and silicone. Scientist can't evaluate nano plastics they need more advanced technologies to be able to test the chemicals. Nano plastics should be more looked over so they don't affect our environment in the future.
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I thought today's video was rather informative because it gave an in depth look into how nanoplastics enter the body and where they would reside. I also learned that nanoplastics plastic particles can increase cell count exponentially. Whereas polystyrene particles can enter the placenta and disperse into the liver, lungs, and brain.
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I learned from the video today that Dr. Scott Coffins job is to find information on microplastics and their influence on humans. He says that the plastics found are found in our bodies and have negative effects on us. Dr. Coffin pushed for more people to become aware of these microplastics because there was little to no information on them. I also learned why traditional and non traditional plastics differ.
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Microplastics cause damage to human cells in the laboratory at the levels known to be eaten by people via their food, a study has found. They found specific types of harm were caused by the levels of microplastics that people ingest. In the first video, the man uses himself as a lab rat. He tested how many microplastic pollutants there are in his body. Then he ate and drank out of everything that's plastic, used everything that's plastic. Then, he tested himself again just to see how many microplastic pollutants there are in his body after as well. And just as he expected, there were a lot more in his body than before. He also talked about how there's microplastics in all bottled water. I learned that freezing a water bottle or heating it up, such as; being in a car for too long, releases chemicals from out the container into the water. When you drink that water, you are increasing your cancer risk as well. We also talked about the difference between traditional and non-traditional plastics. Traditional plastic is made from petroleum-based raw materials (Walmart bags, bottled water). Non-traditional plastics are are biodegradable or compostable plastics made from natural substances instead of petroleum (glass, stainless steel). We also talked about Nano plastics. Nano plastics are extremely small pieces or particles of plastic resulting from the disposal or breakdown of plastic products and constituting debris or pollution, especially in a marine environment.
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Adison Cooper March 3rd 2022 Answering/Responding to: "Why 99% of Ocean plastic pollution is "missing"' The video explains that scientists once believed that the majority of the Earth's ocean plastic was located in garbage patches. Garbage patches are places in the ocean where plastic has built up as a result of tide and flow trends in our oceans. Once truly researched, scientists found that the surface of these patches only held about one percent of all oceanic plastic pollution. After analyzing samples, scientist discovered that the plastic they found was really old plastic. Therefore the question of where more current pollution has gone arose. It has been determined that majority of the newer plastics stay around and on our shores. Here, the macro-plastics are exposed to a lot of rubbing, moving, and scraping. These activities create an abundance of microplastics. The four places that the video determined our missing oceanic plastics lie are the garbage patches, on the seafloor, sinking in the ocean, and close to and on our shores.
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Caleb Hall-3/4/2022-Why 99% of ocean plastic pollution is missing It is believed that about 99% of plastic pollution in our ocean is "missing". The location of these missing plastics are believed to be hidden in a few locations. Firstly, some scientists believe that about 50% of plastic pollution that makes it to the ocean eventually sinks to the ocean floor and becomes buried in the sediment. Secondly, they believe that most newer plastic doesn't even make it to the ocean. They note that most of it stays near beaches and banks, building up in those areas.
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Caleb Hall- 3/7/2022- Video Observation Many pollution statistics can usually make the audience feel its a far away issue, when in reality its not. Most major rivers that run through our country such as the Mississippi have issues with with plastic pollution. Only a few places have government funded research centers for plastic pollution issues and cleanup, so a lot of the work is left for the public to do. To aid research and public cleanup, Dr. Jenna Jambeck came up with the idea of having her students mark down the geographical coordinates of plastic litter they found. This idea would eventually become the Marine Debris Tracker app, which allows them to show what, when, and wear the plastic litter is. This app has begun to show how major events such as the Covid-19 pandemic affect plastic pollution; in this case the pandemic to led to an increase of litter in the form of face masks. Overall, plastic pollution is still an extremely prevalent issue, but can be something we can actually overcome if we work together.
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Lesson #2 reflection prompt, I had a fun time on this field trip. I think the items i seen the most was plastic. Plastics can take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose, depending on the material and structure. It can be in their drinks and they wont know until they learn about it.
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My experiences collecting microplastics along the Mississippi River were different than expected. I thought it was going to be a much more fluent process and easier to dip the BabyLegs in the water. However, we had to maneuver it along the surface of the water to collect microplastics. Also, microplastics weren't as visible as I thought. I saw water bottles and aluminum cans the most. The bottles could take between 20-500 years to disintegrate, while the aluminum cans could take between 200-500 years to degrade. Communities are affected by polluted waterways because of the use of the water and the resources it provides. If the waterways are contaminated with plastics and other pollutants, the water is not as safe to drink. These pollutant carry diseases, hazards, and large pieces of plastics that lead to health issues. We consume water from these waterways so it can affect us (long-term).
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The collection process would have worked better if we had a high elevated platform like a bridge and lowered the trawlers into the water to get a full sample of water rather than just scooping across a shallow portion of the river. The most common item I saw were soda cans, which take between 200 - 500 years to fully degrade in a landfill. Communities are affected by polluted waterways because the pollution affects the marine life of the ecosystem. Fish may eat plastics and then people may eat those fish, in turn consuming microplastics which cause illness and sometimes disease.
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Caleb Hall- 3/10/2022/ - Field Trip Reflection My experience with the trip was not quite what I expected. I expected that we were going to come to some clear section of the river and run the baby legs through the water for a while. Instead we were in a section where the plant life interfered with our water collection. The most common item I saw was water bottles, and they might take up to 450 years to decompose. Our community is especially affected by this kind of pollution as it has an affect on our marine life in the Gulf of Mexico, a major source of economic income.
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The item that I saw the most often was plastic bags and paper cups. The plastic bags will take about 1,000 years to disintegrate but even then, they wouldn't be completely decomposed because it becomes microplastics. Paper cups will take about 20 years to disintegrate in a landfill but in a lake or an ocean it can take a few days. Communities can be affected by polluted water ways because they could have not enough access to clean water and wouldn't have good water to drink.
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Victoria Scott - 3/11/2022: My experience with collecting microplastics was not the setting I imagined. The area was completely covered with plants and the weather was very gloomy & cold, but the experience was very eye-opening. It made me realize just how much human activities such as littering can affect our wildlife and water systems. The items I saw most often included plastic bottles, cans, or paper bags. These items can cause microplastics to enter our filtration systems, our water systems, etc. Because of this, microplastics are capable of entering our bodily systems through foods and drinks. Yet, the most interesting item I observed was a twin size mattress lying on the ground near the shore of the river, because it made me wonder how it got there in the first place? It takes most plastics 450 years to disintegrate meanwhile it can take a mattress 80 to 120 years to decompose.
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The items that I saw the most often was water bottles, plastic grocery bags, and soda cans. I think that it will take 20 to 500 years for those items to disintegrate, depending on the material and form. Polluted waterways can become toxic for humans, animals, and the environment. Drinking polluted water can lead to many health problems such as heart diseases and cancer.
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Jaida Manson 3/11/21 - I had fun using the water trawl to collect microplastics. It wasn't how I thought it was going to be. I mostly saw candy wrappers, soda cans, and plastic bags. I will take many years for these items to disintegrate. Communities are affected by these water ways because they can cause fatal diseases caused by the bacteria. These polluted waterways also provide undrinkable water to the community.
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Caleb Hall-3/11/2-2022
The Mississippi river is important to me and other around me for many reasons. Firstly, it is our main source of water for consumption and usage. So if that water were to be pollution, we would be showering in, cleaning with, cooking with, and even directly drinking these many pollutants that can have drastic affects on our health. Secondly, the Mississippi river is a massive source of income for our state. One in 70 jobs in Louisiana is related to the seafood industry, and last year alone seafood has an economic impact of 2.4 Billion dollars. The more our waters become polluted, the less habitable it is for marine life, which has an effect on our jobs and economy.
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My field trip experience was intriguing. The environment of the location was the complete opposite of what I thought it would be. Plastics can take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose. Plastics that I encountered were plastic cups, water bottles, and plastic bags. They all have a different span of time that it takes for them to decompose. It takes 450 years for the water bottles to decompose, 20 years for the plastic cups, and 1000 years for the plastic bags. These plastics get into our waterways and filtering systems. This causes microplastics to pollute our drinking water and food.
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Adison Cooper 3/11/22 The most common items we found in the Mississippi River were bottle caps, bottles, and plastic bags. These materials will take years to disintegrate. Scientists have determined more specifically that plastics can take 200 to 500 years to completely disintegrate because these materials do not naturally decompose. The pollution of the Mississippi river should be of great concern to those in surrounding communities. The river is a primary source of water and the plastic pollution can break down into small particles called microplastics that can enter our bodies. This can happen through the consumption of water and through the consumption of aquatic species that reside in the Mississippi River. In the long run we need to be concerned about our health regarding pollutants in our water.
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The Mississippi River is important to me in various ways. The river is a vital source of hydroelectric energy, provides drinking water for millions of people, and supports many ecologically and commercially important fish species. The lower river directly supports 585,000 jobs and generates $151.7 billion. The river also supports about 1 million jobs. Pollution to the river would effect many of things. If the river was to be polluted, it would kill off plenty of marine life, which has an effect on our jobs and economy.
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Jedah Tanner- 3/11/22 Collecting microplastics was more interesting than I expected. I mostly saw plastic bottles, food wrappers, foam cups, wood, nails, etc. It could possibly take hundreds of years for those kinds of things to disintegrate. Those kinds of plastics didn't seems as though they were biodegradable. Polluted waterways can affect reliant communities by causing health issues or simply affecting one's job and pay. The jobs and pay can be affected because most of the jobs in Louisiana take place in or on the Mississippi River. If they were to bring in seafood or fish from the Mississippi River and it was contaminated by the microplastics then no one would want them and the market for fish and seafood would take a tremendous crash.
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How will the general public be convinced? Right now, there are many plastic plants in the US employing thousands of people. That is before We mention the carbonated beverages plants, medical device plants, etc. We are playing a game of chess. If I had to estimate the overall chess position, I would say guarde.
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I need to give further explanation. I'm recovering from cancer, now. Without the polymer based medical devices giving the nasty chemicals, that would not be possible. I am very grate ful. there has to be a way for both(plastics and recycling ) to exist together.
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Approaching the cite of where we were going to be collecting microplastics, I noticed there was a lot of trash and unexpected debris. There were many plastic bottles and food wrappers. I think that it will take hundreds of years to disintegrate, and then my not even completely be gone. This pollution is effecting the animals in the ecosystem, and could be adding more impurities to the water that supplies the community.
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Caleb Hall- 3/15/2022 The video " The DIY Community Microscope Kit" goes over a few topics dealing with the public organization, their aspirations, goals, and how they were founded. Essentially, after many events that caused harm to the environment such as the oil spill in the gulf; many citizens because to express worry and decided that they wanted to try and make a difference. This organization allows essentially anyone to do their own research and testing, as well as giving them a chance to have a role in bettering their society.
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The video I watched in class gave some insight on how Public Labs started. After the 2010 oil spill people in the community came together to learn about the environment and how the oil spill would affect the waterways.
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The video that I watched in class informed me about what led up to the creation of Public Labs. The oil spill that occurred in 2010 caused the community to come up with Public Labs which allows the community to put out their own information about the affects that certain things have on the environment surrounding them.
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Microplastic Pollution is found in our water. In its micro state it has infiltrated our oceans, water supplies, and even our bodies. The water cycle makes sure that our water is reused. The water we drink has always been on Earth and will always remain on Earth and it has been reused in a multitude of ways. Scientist have discovered that as a result of our ever growing plastics industry, micro sized pieces of plastic have infiltrated our water. Water is reused and recycled naturally, but without proper disposal they will not be recycled or naturally dispose because plastics are non-biodegradable. Since our water has become polluted with microplastics, both freshwater and saltwater, it is obvious that the plastics have and will remain in our water cycle so long as we don't interfere. The water cycle also provides an explanation as to how widespread microplastic pollution has become. It demonstrates a cycle in which microplastic polluted water is transformed and transported around the world continually to be reused for different purposes.
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Caleb Hall- 3/17/2022- The Relationship Between the term Microplastics, Biodegradability, and Sublimation.
Microplastics are termed as bits of plastic pollution that are at most 5 millimeters in size. These types of plastics pollute many different ecosystems through disposal of Macro-plastics that have been eroded away, or already small bits of plastic made for industrial plastics. Biodegradability refers to an objects ability to be decomposed by bacteria or other organisms. Most organic material is easily biodegradable, but the issue with most plastics is that they are not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to decompose. Sublimation is the process in which a solid transfers directly to a vapor without becoming a liquid first. This process does not occur in just water, it can also occur in many other solids, and these solids are used in some household products such as air fresheners. Most microplastics are unable to sublimate, which when combined with their inability to biodegrade, they are essentially stuck in whatever ecosystem they are polluting.
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According to the video on why 99% of ocean plastics pollution is missing, the reason is because the 99 percent of plastics are under the waters surface. The video displayed a “mountain” and labeled all the layers of where these pollutants lie. On the top was garbage patches next was seafloor plastics, then sinking microplastics and lastly plastics on shores. A lot of the trash was dated back to the 1970s which is over 50 years old. The plastics are consumed by living animals and corals which affects them negatively.
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Lesson #2 reflection prompt Collecting microplastics along the Mississippi river was very eye opening. There was a lot of plastic pollution in and along the river. I mostly saw plastic bottles and shopping bags. These plastics will take hundreds of years to fully disintegrate. Because the Mississippi river is a big water source for us, its concerning because the water is full of microplastics that can enter our bodies and make us sick.
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Andrew Smith 2nd Block Environmental Engineering 3/18/2022 I've learned plenty of information about microplastics from the video. 99% percent of the ocean's water is polluted. "Why?" you may ask. It is because almost all of our plastics are under water. People litter and majority of the time people litter and throw things on the ground or water; it goes into the ocean. Most of the time people litter; they are throwing down some type of plastic. It starts as a microplastic then degrades to a microplastic. These microplastics are getting into our waterways and food sources which causes microplastics pollution.
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Andrew Smith 2nd Block Environmental Engineering 3/18/2022 I've learned plenty of information about microplastics from the video. 99% percent of the ocean's water is polluted. "Why?" you may ask. It is because almost all of our plastics are under water. People litter and majority of the time people litter and throw things on the ground or water; it goes into the ocean. Most of the time people litter; they are throwing down some type of plastic. It starts as a microplastic then degrades to a microplastic. These microplastics are getting into our waterways and food sources which causes microplastics pollution.
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Andrew Smith 2nd Block Environmental Engineering 3/18/2022 I've learned plenty of information about microplastics from the video. 99% percent of the ocean's water is polluted. "Why?" you may ask. It is because almost all of our plastics are under water. People litter and majority of the time people litter and throw things on the ground or water; it goes into the ocean. Most of the time people litter; they are throwing down some type of plastic. It starts as a microplastic then degrades to a microplastic. These microplastics are getting into our waterways and food sources which causes microplastics pollution.
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Adison Cooper 3/18/22 Plastics in the Gut
Today we discussed how even boiling our water can not rid it of microplastics. Since plastic has been invented, the production has only exponentially increased. In 2018, a study determined that on average the human adult consumes 32,000 pieces of microplastics a year. We discussed in class the reality that cleaning our water and then drinking it out of plastic water bottles is nearly defeating the purpose and simply just exposing the water to more contaminants. The reality is that plastics are now everywhere. Classified as legacy pollutants, plastics are in our clothes, in our water, in our food, on our bodies, and in our bodies. The way in which our world functions today is impossible without plastics, which is why even now as we are aware of its adverse affects we will continue to use it.
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Microplastic ingestion by humans and fish-
It has recently been discovered that microplastics are in the belly's of deep water fish. Fish that live closer to the oceans surface are bound to eat these plastics because they are closer to these fish. But its astonishing that deep water fish are also eating these plastics. This means that the microplastics are sinking down to the oceans floor. And considering fish is a major food source for us humans, this is a big problem.
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Caleb Hall- 3/18/2022- Plastics in the Gut According to the article Plastics in the Gut by Max Liboiron, microplastic pollution has been found inside the guts of fish, and not only there. After microplastics became a somewhat popular topic people began to look for them, and they found them just about everywhere they looked. They found microplastics in Artic ice, in salt deposits, in the Mariana Trench, in birds, humans, and even in water samples from the 1970's. Its not just what where thee microplastics are, but more importantly its about what these microplastics can do. The scary part about that is that we don't know; we haven't studies microplastics long enough to understand the health effects they have on animals or humans. At the current time, we can do much to actually remove them from the water. We can get filter water samples and eventually find microplastics, but there's no large filtration plant removing large amounts from the water. Also, with the way we're going we'll never be able to remove more plastic than what gets dumped each year. Last year alone America generated 35.7 million tons of plastic, most of which is designed as single use disposable plastic which eventually ends up in landfills or our oceans. So the only way to prevent more microplastics from entering our ecosystems and bodies is for communities, companies and governments to do whatever they can to prevent as much manufacture of plastic as possible and do our best to make sure any that is manufactured is properly disposed of.
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Ever since plastics have been created, their production have only been increasing. And because almost all of our plastic gets wasted away in the ocean, 83% percent of tap water contains microplastics. Then the water that does get cleaned and purified is just put into plastic bottles which entirely defeats the whole point of purifying it.
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Andrew Smith 3/21/2022 I've learned various of information from the video that I watched today in class. 3/4 of the Earth is covered by water and 1/4 of that is land. 3% of the water that covers the Earth is fresh water and humans are dependent upon freshwater. 10,000 tons of microplastics are dumped in the ocean every year. The largest water system in the world is the Great Lakes which consist of: Lake Eire, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, and Lake Superior. 50,000 to 100,000 pieces of plastic are dumped in the ocean everyday. Microplastics are everywhere and the solution to decrease the presence of microplastics is to lessen the use of plastics. Use less plastic; find less plastic.
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Adison Cooper 3/21/22 Microplastics in the Great Lakes
The great Lakes make up the largest freshwater system on Earth. Recent studies have discovered the abundance of microplastic pollution. Of the 75% of Earth's surface that is made up of water, only about 3 percent of it is freshwater. We know now that the largest freshwater system is contaminated. This should be concerning because the great lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario are all major water sources for humans. The video we watched today on microplastics was the first we have seen where a scientist has tried to influence viewers and encourage them toward a solution. Sherri said that the reduction of the use of plastics one item at a time will help us to prevent further pollution at such an exponential rate.
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Caleb Hall-3/21/2022 The video goes over some new information about microplastics. 75% of the planet's surface is covered in water, and of that 75% only 3% is fresh water. Despite out dependency on fresh water for survival, we still dump thousands of tons of microplastics into our lakes and rivers each year. Microplastics also affect bodies such as the great lakes. The only difference is that these lakes cannot gather the plastics into one place like oceans can with garbage patches. This means that the thousands of tons of plastic in these lakes are at the bottom or on the shoreline.
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Caleb Hall- 3/24/2022
Wetlands: And area of land where water covers or saturates the soil.
River: A stream of usually fresh water that flows into other bodies of water.
Estuary: The tidal mouth of a river Lake: A body of water surrounded by land
Coastal Water: Ocean waters closet to the shore.
EPA= Environmental Protection Agency
Lake Ponchartrain: Condition Impaired, Harmful Bacteria and Microbes
Lake Maurepas: Condition=Impaired, Low Oxygen+ Foreign Plants/ Animals
Mississippi River: Condition= Good
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Andrew Smith
River: A natural stream of water that flows into another body of water.
Wetlands: Land that consist of marshes or swamps.
Estuaries: Where the tide meets the stream.
Coastal Waters: The territorial seas of the United
States, and those waters directly connected to the territorial seas.
Lake: A large body of water surrounded by land.
EPA- Environmental Protection Agency
Lake Maurepas: Condition= Impaired- Low Oxygen and Nuisance plants or animals (foreign)
Lake Ponchatrain: Condition= Impaired- Bacteria and other Microbes.
Mississippi River: Condition= Good
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Caleb Hall- 3/25/2022 Native vs. Indigenous Native refers to something specific while indigenous is broader. Say an animal is born in a desert, you can say that animal is native to the desert because they have been there since birth. But indigenous would refer to an entire species of something. For example, say a plant is naturally found in a certain area, that plant is indigenous because it naturally occurs in that area.
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Adison Cooper 3/25/22 RENE PHILLIPS 2ND BLOCK
Native refers to be associated with since birth. Indigenous means to naturally occur in a particular area. Something indigenous will typically be native to its area. Something that is native is not necessarily indigenous.
Three invasive and nonnative aquatic organisms in Louisiana include the Chub Shiner (Notropis potteri), the Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthhys molitrix), and alligator weed. The silver carp are known to have been causing “enormous damage to native species”. Though it has not yet been determined, both the Chub Shiner and Silver Carp pose threats to their nonnative food webs and ecosystems. When they enter where they do not belong, resources can become scarce. Alligator weed makes it difficult for wildlife to access the edges of water sources. This poses a threat to the survival of wildlife because it creates an obstacle between them and a source of life.
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Caleb Hall- 3/28/2022
3 Webinar Points
1: “Fat soluble, toxic pollutants can adsorb to microplastics. When these plastics are consumed, toxic pollutants can accrue in fat and become biomagnified”
2: The Gulf of Mexico is critically impaired due to microplastic.
3: The volume of microplastics directly correlates to distance of the river.
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Before the trip, we utilized the Marine Debris Tracker to find debris lying in the ditch. We created microscopes using plastic sheets, metal parts, screws, washers, and rubber-bands. This would be utilized to analyze our microplastics we collected the day before and find particles on the specimens. Pre-trip we carried sticks to attach to our Babylegs for extra reach and safety precautions.
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For the project, we rode to Edgard in a certain spot next to the Mississippi River. We utilized the sticks and attach the to the trawls. We went through a process of one group at a time and we collected the plastics but using the stick to slap the bucket on the water and collect plastics. Also, as we were waiting we used our Marine Debris Tracker App to note, document, and clean certain items that was there. Nurdles were not present.
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After, we collected the samples, put them in a bucket, and brought it to the school. To analyze these samples we needed multiple materials. Tweezers, coffee filters, strainers, pans, microscope, lights, and buckets. First we flipped our trawl inside out and let plastics fall on the pan. We took tweezers and picked out each and everyone of the plastics. We utilized the coffee filter as a placement for the plastics. However, we didn't have too many. Maybe one or two, but nothing major showed up in my group's trawls. We also used water to get the remainder of the plastic and rinse the Babylegs. Finally, we analyzed our two specimens under a microscope and took pictures. We only had pieces of cotton filled with plastic and one micro thread.
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1- Fat soluble, toxic pollutants can adsorb to microplastics. When these plastics are consumed, toxic pollutants can accrue in fat and become biomagnified
2- The Gulf of Mexico is critically impaired due to microplastic.
3- The volume of microplastics directly correlates to distance of the river.
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Caleb Hall- 3/29-2022- Estuary: the mouth of the river, the part where the tide means the stream. An example of one would be the Mississippi River Delta Basin
Three initiatives that have been put in place that have a direct impact on our estuaries include the construction of structure designed for water management, placement of culverts, and breaking sections of spoil banks along man made cannals.
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Christian Carter - 3/31/2022 -
Microplastic - Tiny bits of plastic of 5mm or less
Once testing on numerous people, 17 of them were found with microplastics in their blood. Some have 3 different types of plastics.
The amount of plastic on our planet is hastily increasing & will likely be doubled by the year 2040.
After measuring 1.6 micrograms of plastic for every meter of blood, results showed over 7 concentrated micrograms.
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Caleb Hall- 3/31/2022 MicroPlastics in the Blood- Three Points from the article and videos
1: Out of a study of 22 people, 17 have been found to have microplastics in their blood. Some of which have been found to have 3 different types of plastics 2: In the future, the amount of microplastics in our blood will only increase as our production of plastic is also rapidly increasing. 3: Babies and children are more susceptible
to this particle and chemical exposure
Video 1:
1: Microplastic has been detected in the blood for the first time, and about 80% of people tested positive for plastics in the study 2: The plastics can travel around the body and get lodged in organs, causing issues. 3: These plastics have been observed to cause damage and death to human cells.
Video 2:
1: Microplastics have been found in placentas 2: These plastics come from everyday items like bottles, containers, and bags. 3: More study needs to be done to fully under their impact.
Video 3:
1: Microplastics have been found in every part of the body, from the brain all the way to the excrement. 2: Recent used plastics can increase the number of plastics in the blood. 3: These plastics can cause cell death and allergic reactions
All 3 of the videos, and the one article, go over the same topic. Microplastics in the blood. The article is an overall piece that gives the most information. Video 1 and 3 both give us a bit of info about what the heath affects are, and video 2 is a quick overview done by a news channel. The article and video 1 seem to be the most informational pieces and explain everything there is needed to know.
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Adison Cooper 3/31/22
A microplastic is a piece of plastic that has been eroded to a size of 5mm or smaller and has become ubiquitous.
(Article 1) Recently, scientists have discovered plastics in our blood stream. While this discovery is not surprising, it should be concerning. Plastics in our blood should concern us because this means that plastics from our world are not all completely filtered by our lungs and gut. We should also understand that although they have not yet been determined, we know that something foreign invading our bodies at such a high percentage is bound to have adverse effects. Since the discovery is new, more information on the plastics in our blood is not completely explained or discovered. Therefore, there will need to be more research and more studies before any real actions are taken or any real threat is determined and published.
(Video 1) In a study to determine whether plastics are in the human bloodstream 22 blood samples were tested. These blood samples were donated and anonymous. Using the video’s results as a base line, one can infer that about 77.3 percent of people have plastics in their bloodstream.
(Video 2) Plastic particles may even get lodged in our organs. The most common plastic found in human blood was that of water bottles. This video highlighted the study of 22 blood samples that was further explained in the first video.
(Video 3) Primary plastic pollution is from littering. Secondary microplastics come from pieces breaking off or decomposition of bigger plastics. The atmosphere, and atomic processes have been known to be affected by microplastics. We throw out 400 million plastic water bottles a year.
Video one and two along with article one was similar in structure. These informational resources approached the topic of microplastic pollution and focused on the recent experimentation and discovery of microplastic in the human blood stream. All resources highlighted this fact, but the third video was unique. This video presented information about microplastics that affected more than just our human bloodstreams. Namely this video pointed out how microplastics can affect our atmosphere and atomic processes. I found this intriguing and interesting.
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Caleb Hall- 4/1/2022- St.John the Baptist Drinking Water Districts District 1:
Source: Surface Water Population Served: 12577 Frequent Chemical Contamination
District 2:
Source: Surface Water Population Served: 3702 Frequent Chemical Contamination
District 3:
Source: Ground Water Population Served: 29872 Minimal Contaimination
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Evaporation is water that has turned into gas. anya creecy 4/1/22 District 1- the water system source is surface water and has served 12577 people. This water has the highest concentrations of contaminants or disinfectants, respectively, allowed in drinking water
District 2- water source is also surface water. It has served 3702 residents. . This water has the highest concentrations of contaminants or disinfectants, respectively, allowed in drinking water
District 3- water source is ground water and has served 29872 people. The highest level of contaminant is allowed in drinking water.
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Adison Cooper 4/1/22
St. John Water District 1:
Population: 12,577 System Source/Primary Source: Surface Water
St. John Water District 2:
Population: 3,702 System Source/Primary Source: Surface Water
St. John Water District 3:
Population: 29,872 System Source/Primary Source: Ground Water
Each of these water districts have an active community water system. Only two of the systems have drinking water health based violations and one does not. The one without, district 3, serves the largest population number and is the only one whose primary source is ground water.
Treatment processes used to treat water in district 3 include Chloramines, Gaseous Chlorination, and Fluoridation.
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Evaporation is the transition from water to water vapor.
District 1- Served 12,577 people
Water Source is surface water Frequent Chemical Contamination
District 2- Served 3,702 people
Water Source is Surface water High Chemical Contamination
District 3- Served 29,872 people
Water Source is ground water Minimal amount of contamination
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Ghost fishing is fishing gear that’s been lost or abandoned in the ocean, that can trap and kill marine life. Fishing gear that’s been lost or abandoned in the ocean can affect marine life. Fishing gear that has been washed up on shore as litter, could become a danger to coastal species and coastal communities.
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Farming for Life
The mission, Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles, is operating to lessen the vulnerability of the Seychelles to weather change. Through ecosystem-primarily based totally version the mission is operating to keep and repair the herbal functioning of watershed and coastal processes.
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Victoria Scott
April 4th, 2022
Our Oceans Are Haunted
Saying that oceans may be haunted may sound creepy and truth be told, IT IS. The term ghost fishing describes when lost or abandoned fishing gear floats away deep into oceans capturing fish and other marine life ultimately leading to their death. It has been estimated that 640,000 tons of fishing gear are lost and abandoned in oceans every single year equaling one tenth of waste within our oceans. Many may believe that the only way for fishing gear to be left in oceans is due to people leaving them there or disregarding them into Earth’s waters illegally, BUT these tools can also be swept away by storms or severe weather causing them to break into multiple fragments and get entangled in the ocean’s community. Think about this: If fish and marine life are part of our food resources, will fishing gear disrupt our food systems? The answer is YES. There is an increasing strain that all natural resources are facing including the fish we eat, crawfish, lobster, etc. So, what can be done?
Fishers can mark their gear for identification purposes.
You can be part of report and recovery groups.
Do not fish illegally.
Invest in modern technologies that use transponders and tracking systems so that fishing materials can be retrieved easier.
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Chandler Lamonte 4/4/2022
Mangroves are very important to environments and help us to filter out air. The issue is many mangroves have been dying off due to pollution and other harmful things, including people. Mangroves not only give protection to the animals, but they also give protection to the people around them. They act as a natural flood barrier, and without them, there would be 39% more people who get flooded annually. There are many people who are trying to restore these mangroves, and they have projected by the year of 2023 to have about 10 billion trees planted. Nearing this June millions, if not a couple billion will have already be completed. This process is being taken to restore all the mangroves that had been lost. Now we are restoring them and aiming to have a large amount planted to help our ecosystems.
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Lyric Rousseve 4/4/22 “Ghost Fishing,” catching deceased fish or fishing in the absence of fish.
Not too long ago I seen a video of a turtle having some fishing gear around its neck, nearly died before I person set it free. Lost or thrown away fishing gear have been killing marine life, around 640,000 is lost year. That is not the only problem, ghost gear creates problems for navigation when ships get their propellers caught in it, causes litter on beaches, is dangerous for birds and health and safety hazards for beachgoers. The question we should be asking is What can be done? We can improve reporting ad recovery, stop illegal fishing, give economic incentives for prevention, Improve collection, and disposal and recycling schemes.
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The mission, Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles, is operating to lessen the vulnerability of the Seychelles to weather change. Through ecosystem-primarily based totally version the mission is operating to keep and repair the herbal functioning of watershed and coastal processes. Because of the converting climate, precipitation within side the Seychelles has taken to falling in sharp bursts, growing heavy flooding withinside the moist season, and implementing prolonged durations of drought throughout the dry season. With confined water garage potential and a tough topography constraining infrastructure, water elements are closely depending on short-time period rainfall. Additionally, groups residing alongside the coasts are liable to flooding attributable to growing sea levels. During cyclone season this vulnerability is exacerbated through multiplied hurricane surges.
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Ghost Fishing:
There are many problems pertaining to the dangers of marine life. Many people liter in the oceans that put the marine life at risk of dying. 640,000 tons of fishing gear are lost in the oceans every year. Ghost gear happens when storms or severe weather push the gear off the boats. Sometimes, the gear would end up on shore and injure the birds. Ghost gear kills animals such as dolphins, turtles, seals, etc. “Ghost fishing occurs when lost or abandoned fishing gear stays in the ocean and traps fish or other marine life, indiscriminately killing whatever it catches.” There are many things about ghost fishing that ruin our environment such as; harming our oceans, harms coastal communities, wastes food sources, etc. We can spread awareness to help prevent ghost fishing by informing fishers about this problem and helping the government know the full repercussions of ALDFG
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Caleb Hall- 4/4/2022- Steps for a homeowner to apply and obtain a groundwater well:
1: Submission of notification of construction, up to 60 days in advance 2: Have inspections of the land and surrounding area done by a licensed water well driller. The measurements, usage, and even location of neat by wells. 3: Installation/ construction. If a well is being replaced, then the old one must be plugged and abandoned. 4: Verification/ Registration. The registration ensures that the government can properly track these wells and even provide warnings if contamination is possible.
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4/4/2022 To get my own aquifer I would have to enter a 60-day notice to the DNR. Next, I would need an inspector to check my yard and areas around it. Thirdly I would begin the installation process of the aquifer. And lastly, I would have the aquifer registered so that it can be charted.
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Caleb Hall- 4/5/2022- Today in Mr. Phillips' Environmental Science class, me and two other classmates were grouped up and tasked with creating a poster based on a topic of our choice. My choice chose to do our poster on biodiversity, and we got to work on creating a poster with illustrations and facts about biodiversity.
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Christian Carter - 4/7/2022 - Cycle: Evaporation – Sublimation – Precipitation – Condensation
In my group, we gathered numerous microplastics and stored them within a bottle to represent and show our audience what exactly is “contaminating” our environment, in an attempt to persuade them to take action.
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Adison Cooper 4/7/22
While creating our projects’ representative bottle, my group chose to focus on the impacts of microplastics on our drinking water. Inside of our bottle we placed common plastics like a water bottle wrapper, some zip tie, and foam packaging materials inside of some distilled water. These are common contaminants that can reach our major water systems and sources. Because no chemical or filtration device has yet been proven to completely rid water of microplastics, we know that small pieces of these contaminants have been ingested by us through our drinking water.
When creating our poster, we chose to focus on the importance of biodiversity on our planet. Extinction is a huge threat to biodiversity. Biodiversity is important because the variations of species contribute to the energy flow and survival of the Earth’s ecosystems. Humans rely on the natural occurrence of species like chicken, deer, and other terrestrial and aquatic species as food sources. In relevance to our microplastics investigation, we must understand that the contamination of our water means that the contamination of water for animals that we eat is the same if not much more. We must consider the fact that microplastic contamination of our water may impact biodiversity in a way that damages Earth's ecosystems that we as humans rely heavily on.
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Andrew Smith 4/7/2022 Evaporation, Precipitation, Condensation, and Sublimation are all factors to the water cycle.
In my group’s project we tried to find as many microplastics as we could to put into a bottle. We used receipts, lint, sanitizer, paper, tissue, cards, wrappers, etc. These are few of the millions of pollutants that are found in our waterways before purification. Even though our water is purified and the macroplastics are removed, it doesn’t mean that those tiny microplastics aren’t. These microplastics are ingested when we drink water.
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Caleb Hall- 4/7/2022 For my group's poster, we focused on the earth’s biodiversity and the number of species that currently exist, as well as how many are facing extinction. The focus is the importance of these species and the benefits that they bring to our environment as a whole. These species provide us with so many resources that allow us to live our basic day-to-day lives, and once they go extinct, they're never coming back so it's imperative that we preserve them.
Our bottles represented some off the most common plastic pollution found throughout our oceans. Plastic bottles, labels, fibers, Styrofoam, and much more.
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Our bottle and poster board came out great, i'd say it was a fun project to do.
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This is Timothy Bartholomew and my definition of microplastics are Microplastics are fragments of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters across that pollute water sources across the world.
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I am Timothy Bartholomew and what had me interested was their are possible health effects are a cause of concern, although we still know little about their impact in the body.
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Artist Statement/4/8/22 - Jaida Manson
This is my group's project board and bottle. The bottle that is in the picture is the original design but it was redone. Two members focused on the board, while the other two focused on the bottle. However, we still gave each other ideas of how to accomplish the poster and the bottle. Overall, this project was very fun.
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My experience with the message of the Mississippi is that our water is really more polluted than we think it really is. During building our bottles an our posters it was fun experience an I would most def do it again.
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My teams collection of microplastics along the Mississippi River was not what I had imagined. I had hoped that dipping the BabyLegs in the water would be a much more smooth operation. However, in order to capture microplastics, we had to manipulate it along the water's surface. Microplastics were also not as obvious as I had expected. The most common items I observed were water bottles and aluminum cans. The bottles might take anything from 20 to 500 years to decompose, while the aluminum cans could take anywhere from 200 to 500 years to decompose.
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As a group, we believe this project was really enjoyable. Our group learned more about microplastics than ever before, we used our creative skills to make eye-catching posters, and we made a bottle that represents how our sewage and water systems are impacted by microplastics, everyday materials, etc. eventually ending up back into the food we eat and the water we drink. - Kaylie F., Chandler L., & Victoria S.
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The search for Microplastics We rinse water through the net in the opposite direction of how the water went in during sampling with a little stream of water. As shown
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Our group’s poster talks about what microplastics are and how they affect the health of living organisms and our environment. They come from any object made from plastic, broken down into tiny particles and dispersed everywhere. Microplastics can even be found in the human body, which may cause liver damage, cancer, tissue inflammation, allergic reaction, and cell death. Our bottle is very unappealing on purpose, with murky water and trash scattered on the outside because just like our bottle, microplastics are not pretty.
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I think the project was very nice, and a good learning experience. I enjoyed making our poster and bottle based on the project. Doing this experiment taught me a lot about how polluted water can be and how it affects the environment around us. 10/10 must do again.
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Lyric Rousseve - 4/8/22
We did two group projects, making an representative bottle and making posters of issues microplastics are causing. The bottles are suppose to represent how our rive, specifically the Mississippi river, looks and how microplastics are damaging our ecosystem. The bottles also suppose to have a storyline. Our group's storyline focused on microplastic endangering sea life. In the bottle we used our own materials we caught in the Mississippi river when finding microplastics. Then added other materials around the classroom. We even decorated the outside of our bottle. Our next group project was stating what specifically microplastics are causing, climate change is what we choose. The production of plastic would add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, in which greenhouse gases are main cause of climate change.
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Caleb Hall- 4/11/2022
Water Cycle: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation,
Current Population: 7,939,610,176
Deaths: 61,983
2.38 Births per death
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The water cycle contains the processes of Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, and Sublimation.
Current Population: 7,939,610,680
2.4 births occur per each death
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Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Sublimation Current Population: 7,939,610,176 Deaths: 61,983 2.38 Births per death
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Adison Cooper 4/11/22 and 4/12/22
On worldometer, we can see a close estimate of the world population. We are provided with numbers of deaths and births this year, and even today. Upon evaluation we concluded that births are nearly twice the amount of deaths each day.
Upon watching a video that projected Earth’s population number and growth, we discovered that this estimation was over a billion off the actual numbers we are experiencing today.
Our second video explained that every 15 years we are adding about a billion people to our population. It took 125 years to reach 2 billion for 1 billion, but since then the population has only increased exponentially. This is concerning because the bigger the population, the more scarce the resources will become.
Today I also researched the migration patterns of particular species. Migration is a means of survival but also poses a threat by exposing the species to predators. Along with this research we discussed the three types of survivorship curves. I got to choose my own species to research and determine its survivorship curve.
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Andrew Smith 4/12/2022
World Population- 7,939,829,800
We will reach 8 billion in a year or two. In the videos that we watched, I learned the estimation of the Earth's population was a billon over the actual population of the Earth today. In the second video it shoed that it took 125 years for the population to leap form 1 billion to 2 billion. Our population increases by 1 billion every 15 years or so.
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Caleb Hall- 4/11/2022 On worldometer, we are shown the current population, number of deaths and births per day and so far this year. Using this data we were able to calculate that there is about 2 births for every death.
After watching the video, it is evident that the world population is increasing an exponential rate rather than a constant one. It took the human population 125 years to go from 1 billion to 2 billion. But now the human population is increasing by another billion every 15 years.
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Adison Cooper
DAMS in North America! Listed below are 5 Louisiana DAMS, along with their reservoir capacity, location, longitude and latitude coordinates, and height.
Lake Bistineau
Located in the Loggy Bayou River
Latitude: 32.3246
Longitude: -93.4204
Height: 14 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 392.2 million m3
Millers Lake
Located in the Trib. Bayou des Cannes Lake
Latitude: 30.7371
Longitude: -92.3704
Height: 2 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 29.6 million m3
False River Spillway
Located in the False River
Latitude: 30.6104
Longitude: -91.4246
Height: 9 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 197.4 million m3
Lower Anacoco Dam
Located in the Bayou Anacoco River
Latitude: 31.0954
Longitude: -93.3896
Height: 14 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 67.8 million m3
Chicot Lake Dam
Located in the Bayou Chicot River
Latitude: 30.8279
Longitude: -92.2704
Height: 9 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 16.3 million m3
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Caleb Hall- 4/25/2022
1: Caddo Dam:
Located at Cypress Bayou Capacity 931.3 Million cubic meters Height: 16m Location: -93.91625,32.7079
2: Millers Lake
Located: Trib. Bayou des Cannes Lake Capacity: 29.6 million cubic meters Height: 2m Location: -92.3704, 30.7371
3: False River Spillway
Located: False River Capacity: 194.4 Million cubic meters Height: 9 meters Location: -91.4246, 30.6104
4: Lower Anacoco Dam
Located: Anacoco River Capacity:67.8 million cubic meters Height: 14m Location: -93.3896,31.0954
5: Chicot Lake Dam
Located: Chicot River Capacity: 16.3 Million cubic meters Height: 9 meters Location: -92.2704, 30.8279
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False River Spillway
Located in the False River
Lattitude: 30.6104
Longitude: -91.4246
Height: 9 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 197.4 million m3
Lower Anacoco Dam
Located in the Bayou Anacoco River
Lattitude: 31.0954
Longitude: -93.3896
Height: 14 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 67.8 million m3
Chicot Lake Dam
Located in the Bayou Chicot River
Lattitude: 30.8279
Longitude: -92.2704
Height: 9 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 16.3 million
Lake Bistineau
Located in the Loggy Bayou River
Lattitude: 32.3246
Longitude: -93.4204
Height: 14 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 392.2 million m3
Millers Lake
Located in the Trib. Bayou des Cannes Lake
Lattitude: 30.7371
Longitude: -92.3704
Height: 2 meters
Reservoir Capacity: 29.6 million m3
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Caleb Hall- 4/27/2022 the rule of 10% Only 10% of energy is transferred from one organism to another, the other 90% is lost in the transaction through heat
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Caleb Hall- 5/10/2022- Water Security
Link 1: Overall, the water quality in Louisiana is good due to the clean water act. Under this act, the discharge of pollutants is heavily regulated and monitored. Other programs have been developed by the EPA for different methods of pollution control in order to better protect our bodies of water.
Link 2: Right now, more than 2.2 billon people are without access to water, much less clean water. Better water security is required to resolve this issue. Groups like the World Water Council have come in to help secure, sustain, restore, and protect our many different water ways and water sources in order to make sure that as many people as possible have access to clean drinking water.
Deaths due to water-based issues: 298,394
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