Public Lab Research note

Lots of sample Infragram images for testing

by warren | May 21, 2013 23:41 21 May 23:41 | #7793 | #7793

I went to Fresh Pond near Boston on a rainy day and took LOTS of Infragram pictures photos which I hope will be a good sample set to work from in developing NDVI generating software. I'm attaching some of them here, but also for a limited time sharing a bunch using BitTorrent:

BitTorrent magnet link







I'm interested in working on some NDVI software development while waiting to get my Superblue filters from Kickstarter. Could you share some unprocessed images that I could use for development? I'm not sure if the files you were sharing via torrent were processed or not, but the torrent doesn't seem to be active anymore.

Thanks, Robert

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Ok, I see that the torrent is actually working so it looks like I have a set of images to work with. Thanks.

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Hi, Robert - check out the ongoing efforts on the infrared mailing list and at

It'd be great to have your involvement!

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