Public Lab Research note

Toxic Actions Conference @ Northeastern University, 03/10/2013

by Hudonnoodles | March 11, 2013 23:27 11 Mar 23:27 | #6293 | #6293

Sara Wylie and Jen Hudon represented Public Laboratory at the Environmental Action Conference on Sunday, March 10, 2013. The conference was organized by the Toxic Actions Center and Massachusetts Climate Action Network, and was hosted on Northeastern University's campus in the Curry Student Center.

Throughout the day Sara conducted tool demos at the Public Lab table, including the thermal flashlight, phone spectrometer, and the spectral workbench. She additionally led an hour long morning workshop on Public Lab and the community's work around environmental monitoring and action. In the afternoon, Jen joined Sara for an aerial mapping presentation, followed by a full balloon mapping workshop in the courtyard.

The group was enthusiastic about the tools, and had questions about how they could apply them to their own environmental concerns.

Feedback from Participant: "Looking forward to following all that develops out of The Public Laboratory and looking forward to a thorough browse, great stuff, keep it coming!"

Map in Progress:


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