Public Lab Research note

Week 1 @ GSOC 2020: Mapknitter Export Module and Spectral Workbench upgrades

by alaxallves | May 08, 2020 20:24 08 May 20:24 | #23580 | #23580

Hi guys, It's Álax from Brazil.

I got accepted to work once again (yes, this is my second GSOC) with the PublicLab folks, my plan is keeping up the good from last year. Last year a lot was achieved in the PL organization, I intend to do even better this year.

Those few days that passed since GSOC results have been filled with work already. I’m very happy to have the chance to work with the PublicLab team once again. I have high expectations on this project since it has been going so nice already so far. This week I have done some planning by opening issues at the Spectral Workbench repository. Since my mentors and I have already established a communication channel (Gitter), I got to get practical these last couple of days and already did some coding. I have been preparing myself for this project for a long time, so I got to previously make several contributions that would make my job easier or at least less painful.

Below I’ll list some useful links regarding my work, and future plans:

What I have already done this past month:

This same post at DIAL:


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